A/RES/75/22. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2020

Resolution NumberA/RES/75/22
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /75/ 22
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
8 De cember 2 020
20-164 03 (E) 111220
Seventy -fifth sessi on
Agen da item 38
Questio n of Palest ine
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 2 December 2020
[witho ut reference to a Mai n Commit tee (A/7 5/L.3 4 and A/75 /L.3 4/Add.1)]
75/22. Peacefu l settlement of t he question of Palestine
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g its re levant res olution s, includin g those ado pted at its ten th emerge ncy
spec ial sessi on,
Recal ling also its reso lution 73/89 of 6 Decembe r 20 18, entitled “Co mprehensi ve,
just and las ting pea ce in th e Midd le East” ,
Reca lling furthe r re levant Secur ity Council reso lutions, inc luding resol utions
242 (196 7) o f 22 Nov ember 1967, 338 (19 73) of 2 2 Oc tober 1973, 47 8 (19 80) of
20 Augu st 1980 , 1397 ( 2002) o f 12 Ma rch 200 2, 1515 (2003) of 19 Nov ember 2 003,
1544 (2004) of 19 May 200 4, 1850 (2008) of 16 Decembe r 2008 and 233 4 (2016 ) of
23 D ecember 2016,
Havi ng consid ered the re port of the S ecretary -Gener al submit ted pursu ant to the
requ est made in its resoluti on 74/ 11 of 3 Dece mber 201 9,
Reca llin g it s resolu tion 58 /292 of 6 May 2 004,
Reaffirm ing th e perm anent respons ibility of th e Unit ed Nat ions w ith re gard t o
the que stion of Pale stine until it is re solved in all i ts aspects in ac cordanc e w ith
inter nationa l law an d releva nt resol utions,
Conv ince d that achie ving a ju st, l asting and compr ehensiv e se ttlement of the
ques tion of Pal estine, t he core of t he A rab-Is raeli con flict, is i mperativ e for the
attai nment o f compr ehensiv e and la sting pe ace and stabilit y in th e Middle East,
Stressing that the pri nciple of equa l right s and self-d etermin ation o f peop les is
amon g the pu rposes and prin ciples enshrine d in the Charter of the United Nations,
A/75/19 5-S/ 202 0/83 4.

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