A/RES/75/207. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2020

Resolution NumberA/RES/75/207
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/75/ 207
General Assembly
Distr.: Gen eral
29 Decem ber 2020
20-17636 (E) 060121
Seventy -fifth session
Agenda i tem 17 (e)
Macroecon omic policy q uestions: promo ting investmen ts
for sust ainable development
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 21 December 2020
[on the report of the Second Commi ttee (A/75/455/Add .5, para. 8)]
75/207. Promoti ng investments for sustainable d evelop ment
The Gene ral Assembly,
Reaffirm ing its reso lution 70 /1 o f 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming
our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl e Devel opment”, in which it a dopted a
comprehe nsive, far- reaching and people-c entred set of univer sal and transformati ve
Sustaina ble Development G oals and targets, its commitment t o working tireles sly for
the full i mplementation o f the Ag enda by 2030, its r ecognition that e radicating
poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greates t
global challenge and an ind ispensable requirement for sus tainable d evelopment, its
commitme nt to achi eving sustaina ble d evelopment in its thr ee di mensions
economic , social and environmental – in a balanced and integ rated man ner, and to
building upon the achievemen ts of th e Millennium Development Goals an d seeking
to addre ss their unfin ished business,
Reaffirm ing a lso its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa
Action Agend a of the Third Inte rnational Con ference on Finan cing for Develop ment,
which is an integral par t of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports
and com plements it, helps to contextu alize its me ans of impl ementation ta rgets with
concrete policies and a ctions, and re affirms the s trong political commitment to
address the challenge of finan cing and creat ing an enablin g environment a t all levels
for sust ainable develop ment in the sp irit of global partnership an d solidarity,
Noting with great concern the threat to hum an heal th, s afety a nd well -being
caused by the co ronavirus disease (COVID- 19) pandemic, as well as the se vere
disrupti on to societ ies and econo mies and the devastating impact on live s and
liveliho ods, and that the poorest an d most vulnerable are the ha rdest hit by the
pandemic , reaffirmi ng the ambition to get back on track t o achieve the Sus tainable
Developm ent G oals by d esigning sustainabl e and inc lusive recovery strategi es t o
accelera te progress towards the full impl ementation of the 2030 Age nda and to help

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