A/RES/75/178. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2020

Resolution NumberA/RES/75/178
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /75/ 178
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
28 D ecember 2020
20-173 18 (E) 05012 1
Seventy -fifth sessi on
Agen da item 72 (b)
Promoti on and protec tion of huma n rights: hu man
rights questions, i ncluding al ternative ap proaches for
improvi ng the effec tive enjoyme nt of human r ights and
fundame ntal freedom s
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 16 December 2020
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/75/ 478/ Add.2 , p ara. 89)]
75/178. Promotion of a democratic and equitable internat ional order
The General Assembl y,
Reca llin g its pre vious reso lutions on the pro motion of a de mocratic and
equi table in ternatio nal ord er, inclu ding re solution 74/1 50 o f 18 D ecember 2019, and
Huma n Rights C ouncil re solutio ns 18/6 of 29 Septem ber 2011,
33/3 of 29 S eptembe r
36/4 of 2 8 Sept ember 2017 ,
39/4 of 2 7 Sept ember 2 018,
42/8 o f
26 Sept ember 20 19
and 45/4 of 6 Octo ber 2020 ,
Reaffirm ing the c ommitme nt of all St ates t o fulfi l their obliga tions to prom ote
univ ersal respe ct fo r, an d obs ervance an d prot ection of, all hum an rig hts a nd
fund amental freedo ms for all, i n accor dance with th e Chart er of the Un ited Na tions,
othe r instru ments re lating t o human rights and inte rnationa l law,
Affirmin g that th e enha ncement of i nternat ional c ooperati on for the promoti on
and prote ction of all human rights for all shoul d con tinue to be carried out in full
conf ormity with t he purp oses a nd prin ciples of the Chart er and interna tional law, as
set for th in A rticles 1 an d 2 of the Char ter, and with f ull respec t for, inter ali a,
sove reignty, territo rial i ntegrity, politi cal in depende nce, the non-use of force or t he
See Officia l Reco rds of t he Gen eral A ssembly, Sixt y-sixth Sessi on, Sup plemen t No. 53A a nd
corri gendu m (A/6 6/53 /Add .1 and A/6 6/53 /Add .1/ Corr.1 ), chap. I I.
Ibid. , Seve nty-fi rst Ses sion, Supple ment N o. 53A and c orrigen dum ( A/71/5 3/Ad d.1 and
A/71 /53/ Add. 1/C orr.1 ), c hap. I I.
Ibid. , Seve nty-se cond S ession, Suppl ement No. 53 A (A/ 72/5 3/Ad d.1 ), c hap. II I.
Ibid. , Seve nty-th ird Ses sion, S upplem ent No . 53A (A/73/ 53/ Add. 1), chap. III.
Ibid. , Seve nty-fo urth Se ssion, Suppl ement No. 53 A (A/7 4/53 /Ad d.1) , chap . III.

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