A/RES/75/176. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2020

Resolution NumberA/RES/75/176
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /75/ 176
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
28 D ecember 2020
20-173 16 (E) 050121
Seventy -fifth sessi on
Agen da item 72 (b)
Promoti on and protec tion of huma n rights: hu man rights
questio ns, includin g alternativ e approaches for improving
the eff ective enjo yment of huma n rights and
fundame ntal f reedom s
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 16 December 2020
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/75/ 478/ Add.2 , p ara. 89)]
75/176. The rig ht to privacy in the d igital age
The General Assembly ,
Reaf firm ing t he pur poses and principl es of the Charter of the United Nation s,
the human rights and fundam ental freedom s ensh rined in th e Univ ersal Declara tion
of Hum an Rights
and rel evant int ernation al human ri ghts treat ies, inclu ding the
Inter nationa l Coven ant on Civil a nd Poli tical Ri ghts
and the In ternatio nal Cov enant
on Econ omic, Socia l a nd Cultura l Ri ghts,
as well as the Vienna De claratio n a nd
Prog ramme o f Action,
Reca llin g General Assembl y reso lutions 68/16 7 of 18 Decemb er 201 3, 69 /166
of 18 D ecember 2014, 71/ 199 of 19 D ecember 2016 and 7 3/1 79 of 1 7 Decemb er 2018
on t he righ t to p rivacy in the digital age, a nd reso lution 45/95 of 14 De cember 1990
on gui delines f or the regu lation of c omputeri zed pers onal data f iles, as we ll as Huma n
Righ ts Cou ncil r esoluti ons 28 /16 of 2 6 Marc h 201 5,
34/7 of 23 March 2017,
of 22 M arch 2 018
a nd 42/15 of 26 Septe mber 2019
o n the right to privacy in the
digi tal ag e an d res olutions 32 /13 of 1 Ju ly 20 16
a nd 3 8/7 of 5 J uly 2 018
o n th e
prom otion, p rotectio n and e njoyment of hum an right s on the Interne t,
Resolut ion 21 7 A (III) .
See res olution 2200 A (XXI), annex .
A/CONF.15 7/24 ( Part I ), cha p. III.
See Off icial Records of the Gener al Asse mbly, Se ventie th Ses sion, S upplem ent No . 53 (A/70/ 53),
chap . III, sect. A.
Ibid., Seventy -secon d Sess ion, S uppleme nt No. 53 ( A/72/5 3), chap. I V, sect. A .
Ibid., Seventy -third Sessio n, Sup plement No. 5 3 (A/ 73/5 3), chap. IV, sect. A .
Ibid., Seventy -fourt h Sess ion, Su ppleme nt No. 53A (A/74/5 3/A dd.1 ), c hap. I II.
Ibid., Seventy -first Sessio n, Sup plemen t No. 53 (A/ 71/5 3), chap. V, sect. A.
Ibid., Seventy -third Sessio n, Sup plement No. 5 3 (A/ 73/5 3), chap. V I, sec t. A.

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