A/RES/75/127. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2020

Resolution NumberA/RES/75/127
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/75/ 127
General Assembly
Distr.: Gen eral
21 Decem ber 2020
20-16962 (E) 281220
Seventy -fifth session
Agenda i tem 73 (a)
Strength ening of the c oordination of humanitarian and
disaste r relief assista nce of the Uni ted Nations, i ncluding
special economic assi stance: streng thening of th e
coordina tion of emerge ncy humanitar ian assi stance of
the Uni ted Nations
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 11 December 2020
[without referenc e to a Main Committe e (A/75/L.44 and A/75/ L.44/Add.1 )]
75/127. Strengt hening of the coordinatio n of e mergen cy hum anitarian
assista nce of the U nited Nations
The Gene ral Assembly,
Reaffirm ing its resoluti on 46/182 of 19 December 1991 a nd the guiding
principl es contained in the annex thereto, other relevant Genera l Ass embly and
Economic and Social Cou ncil resolutio ns and a greed conclusio ns of the Counc il,
Taking note of the r eports of t he Secretary -General on the streng thening of the
coordina tion of emergency h umanitar ian assistance of t he United Nations
and on the
Central Emergency Respon se Fund,
Reaffirm ing the principles of humanity, neutrali ty, impartiality and
independ ence in the p rovision of humani tarian assistance, and r eaffirming also the
need for all a ctors engage d in the provision of humanita rian assista nce in si tuations
of complex emergen cies and natural disasters to promote and fully respect the se
principl es,
Expressing grave concern at t he incre asing ch allenges caused b y the
unpreced ented number of peop le affe cted by humani tarian emergencies, includin g
protract ed displacem ent, which are increas ing in num ber, scale a nd severity and are
stretchi ng humanita rian respon se capaciti es, a nd expressi ng deep concern about the
impact of clima te change, the ong oing conse quences of the fin ancial and economic
crisis, region al foo d cris es, co ntinuing food and energy i nsecurity, water scarcity,
Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian
assistance of the United Nations
unplanne d and rapid urbaniza tion o f popu lations, epide mics, natural hazards,
environm ental degra dation, arme d conflicts and act s of te rrorism, wh ich are adding
to un derdevelopment, poverty and inequali ty and ar e increasing the vuln erability o f
people w hile reducing t heir ability t o cope with hum anitarian cris es,
Undersco ring the need, in ord er to ensure a smooth transition from relief to
rehabili tation and developmen t, to better ali gn, wherev er appropri ate, humani tarian
and de velopment ass istance with national development p riorities an d strategies, and
encourag ing Member States, a s well as the United Nati ons system and region al
organizat ions in suppor ting the efforts of Member Sta tes, to tackle the root caus es of
humanita rian crises, inc luding poverty a nd underdevelop ment, build the r esilience of
affected States, includi ng host comm unities, and r educe humanitar ian needs,
Concerne d ab out the growing ga p between humanitarian needs and resourc es,
welcomin g non-tra ditional donors, and emph asizing th e need to mobiliz e adequate,
predicta ble, timely and flexi ble resources for huma nitarian assistance, based on and
in proportion to a ssessed risks an d needs, w ith a view to plan ning for, mitigati ng,
preparin g for, responding to and recover ing from human itarian emergenc ies,
Recogniz ing, in t his reg ard, th e signi ficant achievem ents of the C entral
Emergency R esponse Fund in facili tating life-sa ving assistance to cr isis-affected
people by pr oviding t imely fun ding, enab ling huma nitarian organizations and th eir
implemen ting partners to act quickly when tragedy strikes and steer resou rces to
crises that do not rec eive the attention that they need and deserve, emphasizing the
need to broad en and diversify the inco me base of the Fund, and welco ming in this
regard t he call by th e Secretary -General to in crease the lev el of the Fun d to 1 billio n
United S tates dollars,
Recogniz ing also th e significant achi evements of countr y-based pooled funds in
facilita ting assistance to people in need , noting the Secret ary-Genera l’s call for donors
to increase the prop ortion of hum anitarian appeal fundin g channel led t hrough
country -based pool ed funds, and notin g also that other pooled funding mec hanisms
can make important cont ributions,
Emphasiz ing that st rengthened needs a nalysis, risk mana gement an d strateg ic
planning , in coordinati on with affecte d States, including through the us e of open and
disaggre gated data, are crucial elements to ensure a better inform ed, more eff ective,
transpar ent and collec tive res ponse to the n eeds of people affected by cris es,
Reiterat ing th e need for Member State s, relevant United Nation s organization s
and other relevant actors to mainstream a gender perspecti ve into humanit arian
assistan ce and i ntegrate a gender p erspective into all disaster risk reduct ion efforts,
includin g by addr essing the speci fic need s, and pr omoting the priori ties an d
capaciti es, of women, girls , men and boy s in a comprehensive and consistent man ner,
and also res pecting and protect ing their rights, rec ognizing that in huma nitarian
emergenci es, women, g irls and bo ys face h eightene d risks to their safety, health and
well-bei ng, and reit erating also that it is essenti al to ensure that women are
empowere d to effectively and meaningfully particip ate in leadership and decision -
making p rocesses,
Reiterat ing also the ne ed for Member State s, relevant Un ited Nation s
organizat ions and o ther relevan t actors t o improve accountabilit y at all levels to the
needs of affect ed populat ions, and recognizing the i mportance of inclusi ve
particip ation in decis ion-making,
Recogniz ing that pers ons with disabilities are di sproportionatel y a ffected in
humanita rian emergencies and face mult iple barriers in accessi ng assistan ce, recalling
the need for the invol vement of person s with disabil ities in decision- making processes
and for mainstreaming , where possib le, their pers pectives and n eeds in humani tarian

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