A/RES/75/103. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2020

Resolution NumberA/RES/75/103
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /75/ 103
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
18 D ecember 2020
20-169 38 (E) 231 220
Seventy -fifth sessi on
Agen da item 58
Econom ic and other activities w hich affect the interes ts of
the peo ples of the Non-Self-Go verning Territor ies
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 10 December 2020
[on th e report of the Spe cial Polit ical and Decoloni zation Co mmittee
(Four th Commi ttee) (A/ 75/4 17, para. 7)]
75/103. Economic and oth er activities which affect the interests of the
peoples of the No n-Self -Governing Territo ries
The General Assembly ,
Havi ng consid ered the it em entitle d “Econo mic and oth er activi ties whic h affect
the i nterest s of the peoples of the Non-Se lf-Gove rning Terri tories”,
Havi ng examine d t he report of the Spe cial Commit tee on the Situat ion with
rega rd to t he Imp lementa tion of the D eclarati on on the G ranting of In dependen ce to
Colo nial Cou ntries a nd Peop les for 2020,
Reca llin g its resoluti on 1514 (XV) of 1 4 Decemb er 1960, as well a s all its o ther
relev ant resol utions, i ncludin g, in parti cular, re solutio ns 46/181 of 19 Decembe r
1991 , 55/146 of 8 Decem ber 200 0 and 6 5/11 9 of 10 Dece mber 20 10,
Reaffirm ing the solem n oblig ation of th e adm inisterin g Pow ers un der the
Charte r of the United Natio ns to promote the po litical, econom ic, social and edu cational
adva ncement of the inhabi tants of the Terr itories unde r the ir ad ministr ation and to
prot ect the human a nd natur al resou rces of those Terr itories a gainst abuses,
Reaf firming also that any econom ic or other acti vity, in cluding the use of th e
Non- Self-Go verning Terr itories fo r militar y activit y, th at has a neg ative imp act on the
inter ests of the pe oples o f the Non-Self -Govern ing Territ ories a nd on t he exerc ise of
their rig ht to self -deter mination in confo rmity with the Charte r, Ge neral A ssembly
resol ution 1514 (X V) and the other relev ant resolut ions of the Unite d N ations on
deco lonizati on is co ntrary t o the pu rposes and prin ciples o f the Ch arter,
Offic ial Re cords o f the General Assem bly, Sev enty- fifth S ession, Suppl ement No. 23 (A/75 /23 ).

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