A/RES/74/92 B. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/92 B
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /74/92 A– B
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
26 D ecember 2019
19-219 06 (E) 07012 0
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 54
Questio ns relating t o informatio n
Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly
on 13 December 2019
[on th e report of the Spec ial Politi cal and Decoloniza tion Com mittee
(Four th Commit tee) (A/ 74/4 13)]
74/92. Questions rel ating to inf ormation
Information in the service of humanity
The General Assembly ,
Taking note of the comp rehensi ve a nd i mportan t rep ort of t he C ommitte e on
Infor mat ion,
Taking note als o of th e report of the Secretar y-Gene ral,
Urges all countr ies, org anizatio ns of t he Unite d Natio ns syst em as a whole and
all ot hers con cerned, reaffirmi ng their commi tment to the princ iples of the Char ter of
the Uni ted Nation s a nd to the princip les of freedo m o f t he press and fre edom of
infor mation, as well a s to those of th e inde pendenc e, plu ralism and d iversit y of the
medi a, deep ly conc erned b y the d ispariti es exi sting b etween deve loped a nd
deve loping co untries an d th e co nsequen ces of ever y ki nd a rising fr om t hose
dispa rities that affec t the capa bility of t he pub lic, p rivate or other medi a and
indi viduals in developi ng countr ies to dis seminate informat ion and co mmuni cate
their vie ws an d th eir c ultural and eth ical values thro ugh endoge nous cult ural
prod uction, as we ll as to ensure th e diversit y o f sources an d their free ac cess to
infor mation, and recogni zing t he cal l in this c ontext for w hat in the United Nation s
and at v arious intern ational forum s has been terme d “ a new worl d info rmation and
comm unicati on order, seen as an evol ving an d contin uous pr ocess” :
(a) To cooper ate a nd int eract with a vie w to reduc ing e xisting dispa rities in
infor mation flows at all level s by inc reasing assista nce for the de velopme nt of
Officia l Reco rds of t he Gen eral As sembly, Sevent y-fou rth Ses sion, Supple ment N o. 21 (A/74/ 21).
A/74/28 3.
comm unicati ons infrastr uctures an d c apabilit ies in develop ing countri es, with due
rega rd for the ir needs and the p rioritie s attache d to such areas by those co untries, and
in ord er to ena ble them and the p ublic, p rivate or other me dia in de veloping countrie s
to dev elop thei r ow n inf ormatio n and com municat ions poli cies freel y an d
inde pendentl y a nd i ncrease t he p articipa tion of med ia a nd indivi duals in the
comm unicati on proce ss, and to ensur e a fre e flow o f info rmation at all l evels;
(b) To ensur e for j ournalis ts the free and e ffective perfo rmance of th eir
profe ssional tasks a nd cond emn reso lutely all attac ks agai nst them ;
(c) To pro vide supp ort for the co ntinuati on and stren gthenin g of practic al
train ing pr ogramme s for broad casters and j ournali sts fro m pub lic, pr ivate and ot her
medi a in dev eloping countri es;
(d) To enhance regiona l effort s and co operati on amon g devel oping co untries,
as well as cooper ation betwe en d evelope d an d de veloping cou ntries, to stre ngthen
comm unicati ons capaciti es a nd to i mprove t he medi a in frastruc ture and
comm unicati ons te chnology in develo ping c ountrie s, esp ecially in the areas of
train ing and dissemi nation o f infor mation;
(e) To a im at, in addition to bilat eral coop eration , provi ding all possib le
supp ort and assista nce to develop ing countrie s a nd their media, pu blic, priva te o r
other, with due r egard to the ir inte rests and ne eds in the field of info rmation and to
actio n alread y adopt ed with in the U nited Na tions s ystem, i ncluding :
(i) T he dev elopmen t of the human and tec hnical res ources tha t are
indi spensabl e for the i mprovem ent of inf ormatio n and co mmunicat ions syst ems
in develop ing c ountries and suppo rt for the contin uation and strengt hening of
prac tical tra ining pr ogramme s, suc h as tho se alrea dy opera ting und er both
publ ic and p rivate a uspices through out the develop ing worl d;
(ii) T he crea tion of conditi ons that will e nable d evelopin g count ries and their
medi a, p ublic, priva te o r ot her, to h ave, by using their nat ional and re gional
reso urces, the communi cations t echnolog y suited to their nati onal need s, as well
as the nece ssary progr amme mate rial, especi ally for radio and tele vision
broa dcasting ;
(iii) Assi stance in e stablish ing an d pro moting teleco mmunicat ion li nks a t the
subr egional, regional and inter regional levels, e speciall y among d evelopi ng
count ries;
(iv) Faci litation , as appro priate, o f access b y develop ing count ries to ad vanced
comm unicati ons tech nology a vailabl e on the open ma rket;
(f) To p rovide ful l supp ort fo r the Int ernation al Pr ogramme for the
Deve lopment of Commu nicatio n of the Unite d Nat ions Educati onal, Scient ific and
Cult ural Orga nizatio n, which should support both p ublic an d privat e media.
47th plenary meeting
13 Dece mber 20 19
United Nations globa l comm unica tions policies and activ ities
The General Assembly ,
Emph asiz ing that the Com mittee on Info rmation is its ma in subsidia ry b ody
mand ated t o make reco mmendati ons to it r elating to t he wor k of the D epartmen t of
Global Commun ications of the Secreta riat,

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