A/RES/74/9. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/9
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /74/ 9
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
6 De cember 2 019
19-205 08 (E) 12121 9
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 36
The sit uation in Afgha nistan
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 27 November 2019
[witho ut reference to a Mai n Commit tee (A/7 4/L.13 and A/ 74/L. 13/A dd.1 )]
74/9. T he situation in Afghanista n
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g it s resol ution 73 /88 of 6 Dece mber 20 18 and all its previous releva nt
resol utio ns,
Reca lling also all re levant Securi ty Cou ncil r esoluti ons an d stat ement s by the
Pres ident of the Coun cil on the situa tion in A fghanis tan, in partic ular resolu tions
2189 (201 4) of 12 Decem ber 20 14, 221 0 (20 15) o f 16 M arch 2015, 2 274 (2 016) of
15 Marc h 201 6, 2344 (201 7) of 17 M arch 2017, 24 05 (2 018) of 8 March 2018 and
2489 (2019) of 17 Sep tember 2019,
Reaf firming its stro ng comm itment to the sovere ignty, in depende nce, ter ritorial
integ rity and na tional uni ty of Afghanis tan, and re specting i ts multicu ltural,
multi -ethnic and his torical heritage ,
Welcomi ng the efforts by Afgh anistan in t he fra mework of t he Trans formati on
Deca de (2015– 2024) to cons olidate it s soverei gnty thro ugh stren gthening a fully
funct ioning, sustai nable St ate in the ser vice of its pe ople, with t he goal of be coming
fully self-r eliant,
Reca llin g the imp ortance of th e d evelopm ent of the insti tutions of th e
Gove rnment of Afgh anistan, includ ing at the subnatio nal le vel, t he stre ngthenin g of
the rule of law, democ ratic processe s and civil societ y, the fight again st cor ruption,
the continu ation of jus tice s ector reform, the p romotio n of the p eace pr ocess,
inclu ding women’ s fu ll an d me aningful part icipatio n in the peace pro cess, without
prej udice t o the fulfilme nt of t he mea sures i ntroduc ed by the Sec urity Counci l in i ts
relev ant resoluti ons, in p articula r res olutions 1 267 ( 1999) of 15 Oct ober 1999 and
1988 (2011) of 17 June 2011, and of a n Afghan -led transiti onal j ustice proces s, the
safe, vo luntary, digni fied and sustain able return of Afghan refu gees and intern ally
displ aced person s, th e pro motion and prote ction of all h uman rights, incl uding the
right s of wo men and girls, interfa ith and intrafai th to lerance and the advance ment o f
econ omic an d social develop ment,
Reaf firm ing the lon g-term partners hip bet ween the Gover nment o f Afghani stan
and th e interna tional co mmunity based on t heir rene wed mutua l commit ments, as laid
down in the Gene va Mutua l A ccount ability Fr amewor k, as agre ed upon at t he Geneva
Conf erence on Af ghanista n held on 27 an d 28 N ovember 2018, and r ecalling t he long-
term com mitment of the internat ional commun ity t o Afgha nistan, reaff irmed at t he
Gene va Confe rence, with the aim of c ontinuin g to stre ngthen national ownersh ip and
leade rsh ip,
Reaf firming also th e commi tment o f the in ternatio nal comm unity t o contin uing
to s upport the tr aining, equipp ing, fi nancing and d evelopm ent of the ca pacity of the
Afgh an Natio nal Defe nce and Securit y Force s, includ ing as a greed up on in the
Summ it Dec laration s of t he Nor th Atlan tic Treat y Orga nization on Afg hanistan , and
hono uring the me mory of the me n and wome n o f the Afghan a nd interna tional sec urity
forc es who h ave give n their lives i n the co urse o f duty,
Reit erating its s erious concern abo ut the securi ty situ ation in Afgha nistan and
the urgent need to tac kle the chall enges facing the co untry, i n part icular the re gion-
base d viol ence, attacks and all fo rms o f terr orist a nd cr iminal activit ies an d violent
extr emist a ctivitie s of t he Taliba n, incl uding the Haq qani N etwork, as w ell as
Al-Qai da, Isla mic Sta te in Ir aq and t he Leva nt (ISIL ) (Da ’esh) an d their affiliate s, in
part icular ISIL-K horasan Pro vince, and other terror ist g roups, and foreig n ter roris t
fight ers,
Expre ssing its de ep conce rn about th e continu ing high le vel of viol ence in
Afgh anistan, esp ecially the numbe r o f civ ilian casual ties, includi ng t he co ntinuin g
high numbe r of women a nd chil dren k illed a nd mai med, u rging a n immed iate
redu ction in c urrent le vels of v iolence, condemn ing in the stronges t terms a ll terror ist
acti vity an d all violen t and unlawf ul att acks a nd kil lings, recalli ng tha t the Taliban,
inclu ding the Haqqani Net work, as well as Al- Qaida, Islam ic St ate i n Ira q an d the
Leva nt (ISIL) (Da’esh ) and the ir affiliat es, in par ticular I SIL-Kh orasan P rovince , and
othe r terroris t groups, and forei gn terror ist fighte rs, are re sponsibl e for the si gnifica nt
majo rity o f the civilia n cas ualties, includ ing th ose i nvolving human itarian and
medi cal perso nnel, in Afgh anistan , calling for comp liance wi th intern ational
huma nitarian law and int ernation al huma n righ ts law, as appl icable, calling upon all
part ies t o ar med conflic t to tak e al l me asures nece ssary and appro priate to ensur e
respe ct fo r and the protect ion of civil ians a nd hu manitar ian an d med ical p ersonne l,
as wel l as aid and h umanitar ian and me dical fac ilities, a nd urging th at credib le reports
of c ivilian casualt ies be thoroug hly inv estigate d and steps ta ken to avoid such
incid ent s,
Welcomi ng the efforts made by th e Gov ernment of Af ghanist an to promot e an
Afgh an-led an d A fghan-o wned peac e process, and callin g upon the Talib an to respo nd
to th e call f or peace from t he peopl e and th e Gover nment o f Afghani stan,
Welcomi ng also the a chieveme nts of the Na tional Uni ty Govern ment in poli tical,
econ omic, governa nce a nd s ocial reforms and in the manageme nt of the trans ition,
unde rlining the nee d to pr eserve p ast ach ievemen ts, and urging further improve ment
in t his rega rd, in particul ar to a ddress poverty and the delive ry of s ervices, stimul ate
econ omic growth, crea te em ploymen t opp ortuniti es, t ackle corrupt ion, enhance
tran sparency, incre ase d omestic reve nue a nd pr omote and impleme nt co mmitme nts
on human right s, e speciall y wo men’s full and equal enjo yment of these rights, the
right s of the ch ild, t he rig hts of person s belo nging to min orities and t he fre edom o f
expr ession and opinio n, as envi saged in t he Co nstitut ion o f Afgha nistan, inclu ding
for j ournalis ts and in accor dance wi th obli gations under internat ional la w,

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