A/RES/74/81. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/81
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/7 4/81
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
26 D ecember 2019
19-218 89 (E) 0 701 20
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 48
Effects of atomic radiation
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 13 December 2019
[on th e report of the Spec ial Politi cal and Decoloniza tion Com mittee
(Four th Commit tee) (A/ 74/4 07)]
74/81. Effects of a tomic radiation
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g its r esolutio n 913 (X) of 3 Dec ember 1955, by which it es tablishe d
the United Nations Scienti fic Com mittee on the Effects of Atomi c Radia tion, a nd its
subs equent resoluti ons on the sub ject, in which, inte r alia, it requ ested t he Scien tific
Comm ittee to contin ue its w ork,
Conc erne d abou t the pot entially har mful effect s on pres ent an d futu re
gene rations resu lting fr om the levels of radia tion to which huma nkind and the
envi ronment are exp osed,
Cons ciou s of the continu ing need to e xamine and comp ile informat ion about
atom ic and ioniz ing rad iation a nd to a nalyse its e ffects o n human kind an d the
envi ronment, and consci ous al so of the increase d vol ume, c omplexi ty and diver sity
of th at infor mation,
Ackn owle dgi ng the co ncerns abo ut the radio logical con sequenc es of nuclear
accid ent s,
Reaf firm ing the des irabilit y of the Scie ntific Com mittee conti nuing its work,
and welcomi ng the i ncreased commit ment of States members of the Committ ee,
Emph asiz ing the vi tal n eed for s ufficient , ass ured and p redictab le fu nding, as
well as effici ent ma nageme nt, of the work of the sec retariat of th e Scie ntific
Comm ittee to ar range the annu al se ssions an d coo rdinate t he de velopmen t of
docu ments based on scie ntific revie ws o f th e so urces of ionizi ng r adiatio n and it s
effec ts on hu man hea lth and the envi ronment ,
Reco gniz ing t he inc reasing impo rtance of t he sci entific work of t he Sc ientific
Comm ittee and the need to car ry o ut un foreseen addi tional work, such as after the
accid ent at t he Fuku shima D aiichi n uclear p ower st ation,

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