A/RES/74/306. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2020

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/306
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /74/ 306
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
15 Sept ember 2 020
20-11862 (E) 160920
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item s 14 and 120
Integr ated and c oordinated implemen tation of and follow -up
to the outcomes of the major Uni ted Nations conferences
and sum mits in the economic, s ocial and rel ated fields
Implem entation of the resolutio ns of the Uni ted Nations
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 11 September 2020
[witho ut reference to a Mai n Commit tee (A/7 4/L.9 2)]
74/306. Comprehensive and coordinated re sponse to t he coro naviru s
disease (COVID-19 ) pand emic
The General Assembly ,
Reco gniz ing t hat th e cor onaviru s dise ase ( COVID- 19) p andemic is one of the
grea test glo bal cha llenges in the history of the United Nations , and n oting w ith dee p
conc ern its imp act on hea lth and th e loss of li fe, men tal healt h and well -being, as well
as t he nega tive imp act on global humanit arian ne eds, th e enjoy ment of human rights
and ac ross all sp heres of so ciety, inclu ding on liv elihoods , food secu rity and nu trition,
and ed ucation, t he exacer bation of p overty a nd hunger, di sruption to econom ies,
trad e, societ ies and envi ronment s, and th e exace rbation of ec onomic and s ocial
ineq ualities withi n and among coun tries, which is r eversing hard -won develo pment
gain s and ha mpering pro gress toward s ac hieving the 203 0 Age nda for Sustain able
Deve lopm ent
and all its Goals an d target s,
Expre ssing solidar ity with a ll pe ople and c ountries affec ted b y the pand emic,
and c ondolen ces and sympath y to the f amilies of the vi ctims of COVID -19 an d those
whos e lives and live lihoods have b een affe cted by the pand emic,
Dete rmi ned to add ress the C OVID- 19 pande mic thro ugh a globa l respon se
base d on uni ty, soli darity and rene wed m ultila teral coop eration amon g Stat es,
peop les and gener ations tha t en hances the ab ility and reso lve of States a nd o ther
rele vant stak eholder s to fu lly i mpleme nt t he 2 030 Ag enda for Sus tainabl e
Deve lop men t,
Resolut ion 70 /1.

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