A/RES/74/263. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/263
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /74/ 263
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
14 J anuary 2 020
19-227 30 (E) 17012 0
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 135
Proposed programme b udget for 202 0
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 27 December 2019
[on th e report of the Fifth Committ ee (A/74 /614)]
74/263. Special sub jects relatin g to the propose d progr amme budget
for 2020
The General Assembly ,
Request for a subven tion to the United Natio ns Institute for Disarma ment
Research resulting f rom the recomm endations of the Board o f Tru stees
of the I nstitute on the work pro gramme of th e Institu te for 2020
Havi ng co nsid ered the note by the S ecretar y-Gener al on th e reques t for a
subv ention to the United Nations Instit ute for Disarma ment R esearch resulti ng fro m
the re commend ations of the Board o f Trustees o f the Insti tute on the work prog ramme
of th e Instit ute for 2 020
an d the rel ated rep ort of th e A dvisory Commit tee on
Admi nistrati ve and B udgetar y Quest ions,
1. Takes note of the n ote by t he Secr etary-G eneral;1
2. Endo rse s the conclus ions an d recomm endatio ns conta ined in t he repor t of
the Ad visory C ommitte e on Admi nistrat ive and Budgeta ry Quest ions; 2
3. Appro ves th e requ est fo r a s ubventi on to the U nited Nations Instit ute fo r
Disa rmament Resear ch of 275,00 0 Unite d Stat es doll ars (b efore r ecosting ) from the
regul ar budge t of the Un ited Nati ons, for w hich the provisio n has alre ady be en
inclu ded unde r sectio n 4, Disar mament, of the pr oposed p rogramme budget for 2020;
A/74/33 9.
A/74/7/ Add. 9.
Revised estimates re sulting from resolutions a nd decisions adopted
by the Economic and Social Coun cil at its 2 019 session
Havi ng consid ered the r eport of the Secr etary-Ge neral
and t he relat ed report of
the Ad visory C ommitte e,
1. Takes note of the r eport of the Sec retary- General ;3
2. Endo rse s the conclus ions an d recomm endatio ns conta ined in t he repor t of
the Ad visory C ommitte e;4
3. Welcom es wit h appre ciat ion the gene rous offer o f the Gover nment of Qat ar
to host the Fifth Unit ed Na tions Confer ence on the Least Develo ped Countrie s, in
Doha in 2021 ;
Interna tional Trade Cen tre
Reca llin g its r esolutio n 74/ 262 o f 27 Dece mber 2 019 o n que stions relati ng to
the p roposed progra mme bud get for 2020,
Deci des to a pprove resour ces in the amount of 1 8,861,80 0 dol lars (t he Uni ted
Nati ons sh are eq uivalen t to 50 per cent of 3 6,739,00 0 Swis s fra ncs at the exchange
rate of 0.9 739 Sw iss fr ancs to 1 do llar) propo sed fo r 2020 under sectio n 13,
Inter nationa l Trade Ce ntre, o f the pro posed p rogramm e budge t for 20 20;
Adminis trative and financial im plications of the deci sions and
recomme ndations con tained in th e report of t he Internati onal Civil S ervice
Commiss ion for 2019
Havi ng co nsid ered the s tatement s ubmitted b y the Secre tary-G eneral in
acco rdance with rul e 153 o f the ru les of p rocedur e of the Gene ral Assem bly
and the
relat ed repo rt of th e Advisory Commit tee,
1. Reca lls its reso lution 74/255 B o f 27 De cember 2019;
2. Takes note of the s tatement submit ted by t he Secre tary-G eneral; 5
3. Endo rse s the conclus ions an d recomm endatio ns conta ined in t he repor t of
the Ad visory C ommitt ee;6
4. Deci des not to app rove the re quest for an ad ditional p ost o f
Comm unicati ons Offi cer (P- 4);
Request for a subven tion to the Extraordin ary Chamber s in the Cou rts
of Cambodi a
Reca llin g section I o f its resol ution 68/247 B of 9 April 2014, section I of its
resol ution 69/27 4 A of 2 Apr il 2015 , secti on IV o f its r esolutio n 70/ 248 A of
23 Dece mber 201 5, sectio n II of its resoluti on 71/2 72 A of 23 Dec ember 201 6,
sect ion I X o f i ts resoluti on 72/262 A of 24 Decemb er 2017 and sect ion IV of its
resol ution 7 3/279 A of 22 Dece mber 20 18,
A/74/34 7.
A/74/7/ Add. 12.
A/ C.5/7 4/2.
A/ 74/7/ Add. 7.

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