A/RES/74/25. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/25
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /74/ 25
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
18 Decemb er 2019
19-216 74 (E) 231219
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 90
Implem entation of t he Declarat ion of the I ndian Ocean as a
Zone of Peace
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 12 December 2019
[on th e report of the First Committ ee (A/74 /361 )]
74/25. Implem entation of the Declara tion o f the Indian Ocean
as a Zone of Peace
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g th e Decla ration o f the I ndian O cean as a Zone of Pea ce, cont ained i n
its resolut ion 2 832 ( XXVI) of 16 Dece mber 19 71, a nd rec alling also its re solution s
54/4 7 of 1 Dece mber 199 9, 56/1 6 of 29 Nove mber 20 01, 58/ 29 o f 8 Dec ember 20 03,
60/4 8 o f 8 D ecember 2005, 62/14 o f 5 De cember 2007, 64/23 of 2 De cember 2009,
66/2 2 of 2 Decemb er 20 11, 68/ 24 of 5 Dece mber 2 013, 70/22 of 7 Decem ber 2 015
and 72/21 of 4 Dece mber 20 17 and o ther re levant r esolutio ns,
Reca lling al so the r eport of the Meet ing of th e Littor al and H interlan d States of
the I ndian O cean, h eld in N ew York fro m 2 to 1 3 July 1 979,
Reca lling f urther para graph 1 02 of the Fina l Docum ent of the Th irteenth
Conf erence of He ads of State o r G overnme nt of Non -Aligned C ountrie s, held in
Kual a Lumpur on 24 and 2 5 Februa ry 2003,
in w hich it wa s noted, inter ali a, that th e
Chai r of the Ad H oc C ommitte e on the Indi an Oc ean would contin ue h is in formal
cons ultation s on the future work of the Com mittee,
Emph asiz ing the need to f oster co nsensua l approa ches tha t are con ducive t o the
purs uit of s uch ende avours,
Noting the in itiative s taken by countrie s of the reg ion to promo te coop eration ,
in partic ular e conomic coo peration , in t he Ind ian Oc ean are a and the poss ible
cont ribution of such initiat ives to overall objectiv es of a zone of peace,
Officia l Reco rds of t he Gen eral As sembly, Thirty -four th Sess ion, S upplem ent No . 45 a nd
corri gendu m (A/3 4/45 an d A/34/4 5/Co rr.1).
A/57 /759 -S/ 2003 /332 , a nnex I .

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