A/RES/74/232 A. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/232 A
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /74/ 232
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
23 J anuary 2 020
19-225 05 (E) 28012 0
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 21 (a)
Groups of countries in special s ituations: follow-up to the
Fourth United Natio ns Conferenc e on the Leas t Developed
Countri es
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 19 December 2019
[on th e report of the Seco nd Commi ttee (A/ 74/383/Ad d.1 )]
74/232. Follo w-up to the Fourth Uni ted Nations Confere nce on the Least
Develo ped Co untries
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g t he Ista nbul D eclaratio n
and the P rogramme of Act ion for the L east
Deve loped C ountries for the Deca de 2011 –2020,
ado pted at the F ourth Un ited
Nati ons Confe rence on t he Least D evelope d Countr ies, held i n Istanb ul, Turkey, fr om
9 to 13 May 2011, an d endo rsed by the Gen eral Asse mbly i n its r esolutio n 65/28 0 o f
17 June 2011, in whi ch t he As sembly call ed u pon all the relevan t st akehold ers to
comm it to imp lementi ng th e Pro gramme of A ction, and recall ing a lso the P olitical
Decl aration ad opted at the Co mprehen sive H igh-le vel M idterm Rev iew o f the
Impl ementati on of the Istanb ul Pro gramme of A ction for the Least Deve loped
Coun tries for the Decade 2011 –2020, held in Antalya, Turkey, from 27 to 29 May
2016 , and en dorsed b y the Ass embly i n its r esolutio n 70/29 4 of 25 Jul y 2016,
Reaffirm ing the overa rching goal of t he Istan bul Pro gramme of Acti on of
over coming the struc tural c hallenge s faced by th e least develo ped co untries to
erad icate poverty, achie ve the inte rnationa lly a greed develop ment goals and enable
grad uation f rom the least de veloped countr y categor y,
Reaf firming also i ts reso lution 70/1 of 25 Sept ember 2015, enti tled
“Tran sforming our world: the 203 0 Agenda for S ustainab le Deve lopment ”, in which
it adop ted a compre hensive, fa r-reach ing and peop le-cent red set of unive rsal and
tran sformati ve Su stainab le D evelopme nt G oals and ta rgets, its co mmitme nt to
work ing tire lessly f or the f ull impl ementa tion of t he Agend a by 203 0, its r ecogniti on
Report of the Fourth Unite d Natio ns Con ference on th e Least Devel oped C ountri es, Ist anbul,
Turkey, 9–13 May 20 11 (A/CO NF.21 9/7) , chap . I.
Ibid., c hap. I I.

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