A/RES/74/223. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/223
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /74/ 223
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
24 J anuary 2 020
19-224 92 (E) 29012 0
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 19 (h)
Sustain able develop ment: educ ation for sus tainable
develop ment
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 19 December 2019
[on th e report of the Sec ond Comm ittee (A/ 74/3 81/Ad d.8 )]
74/223. Educa tion for sus tainable developme nt in the fr amewo rk
of the 2030 Age nda for Susta inable Developmen t
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g i ts res olution 72/2 22 of 20 Dece mber 2 017 an d othe r previ ous
resol utions o n educa tion for sustai nable de velopme nt,
Reaf firm ing its resolut ion 70/1 of 25 Septe mber 2015, entitle d “Tr ansformi ng
our worl d: t he 2 030 A genda for Susta inable Deve lopment ”, in which it adopte d a
comp rehensiv e, fa r-reachi ng and peopl e-centr ed set of universa l and transf ormativ e
Sust ainable D evelop ment Goa ls and tar gets, its commitm ent to working tireles sly for
the f ull impl ementati on of th e A genda by 2030, i ts recog nition t hat eradi cating
pove rty i n al l its for ms an d di mension s, in cluding extr eme poverty, is the greates t
glob al cha llenge and an in dispens able r equirem ent fo r sus tainabl e de velopme nt, i ts
comm itment to a chievin g sustain able deve lopment in i ts three d imensio ns
econ omic, social and envir onmenta l – in a ba lanced and integr ated manner, and to
buil ding up on the achie vements of t he Mil lennium Devel opment Goals and s eeking
to ad dress t heir unfi nished business ,
Reaf firming also its resolut ion 71/2 43 o f 21 Dec ember 2 016 on t he quadr ennial
comp rehensiv e polic y review of ope rational activit ies for develop ment of the Uni ted
Nati ons system and its gen eral guidel ines and princi ples, as well as its resol ution
72/2 79 of 31 Ma y 20 18 and Econo mic and Socia l Council res olution 2 019 /15 of
8 July 2019, and welcomi ng the eff orts of th e Secreta ry-Ge neral to be tter posi tion the
Unit ed N ations opera tional activi ties for develop ment to s upport count ries in t heir
effor ts to im plement the 203 0 Agenda for Sust ainable Develop ment,
Reaf firming furthe r the commit ment m ade in the 2030 Age nda fo r Susta inable
Deve lopment to ensure inclu sive and equitab le qu ality educat ion a nd pro mote
lifel ong lear ning op portunit ies for all,

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