A/RES/74/191. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/191
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/7 4/19 1
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
30 D ecember 2019
19-223 99 (E) 0 901 20
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 83
The rul e of law at the nationa l and intern ational leve ls
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 18 December 2019
[on th e report of the Sixth Committ ee (A/74 /429 )]
74/191. The r ule of law a t the national an d inte rnatio nal levels
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g it s resolu tion 73 /207 of 20 Dece mber 20 18,
Reaf firm ing i ts co mmit men t to the pur poses an d princi ples of the Cha rter of the
Unit ed Natio ns and internat ional la w, which a re indis pensabl e founda tions o f a more
peac eful, p rospero us and just world, and r eiteratin g its determi nation to fos ter str ict
respe ct for t hem and to esta blish a just and lasting peace all over the wor ld,
Reaf firm ing that huma n rig hts, the r ule o f law and demo cracy are interlin ked
and mutua lly r einforci ng an d th at th ey be long t o the univ ersal and indivisi ble co re
valu es and p rinciple s of the United Nations ,
Reaf firm ing a lso the need fo r univer sal adhe rence to and impl ementat ion of t he
rule of l aw at both the na tional and i nternati onal l evels and it s sole mn co mmitm ent
to an i nternati onal orde r based on the rule of law and in ternatio nal law, whi ch,
toge ther with the prin ciples o f justice , is esse ntial for peac eful coex istence and
coop eration among S tates,
Bear ing in mind that the activi ties of the U nited N ations carried out i n suppo rt
of e fforts o f Gover nments t o promo te and consoli date the rule o f law a re unde rtaken
in ac cordanc e with the Charter, and stre ssing the need to strength en suppo rt to
Memb er States , upon thei r request , in the dom estic impl ementat ion of t heir respe ctive
inter nationa l obli gations thro ugh en hanced tech nical assista nce a nd cap acity -
buil ding,
Conv ince d tha t the adv ancemen t of t he ru le o f law at th e nat ional and
inter nationa l l evels is ess ential for t he realizat ion of susta ined econo mic growt h,
sust ainable develop ment, the eradica tion of poverty and hun ger and t he prote ction of
all huma n right s and fund amental freedo ms, an d ackno wledgin g that coll ective

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