A/RES/74/172. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/172
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/7 4/17 2
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
7 Jan uary 20 20
19-223 18 (E) 1 001 20
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 106
Crime p revention an d criminal j ustice
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 18 December 2019
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/74/ 400)]
74/172. Educa tion for Justice a nd the rule of law in th e context
of sustaina ble development
The General Assembly ,
Reaf firm ing its comm itment t o the pur poses an d princi ples of t he Chart er of the
Unit ed N ations and inter national la w, whic h ar e th e in dispensa ble foundat ion of a
more peace ful, pr osperous and just wo rld, a nd reit erating its d etermina tion to foste r
stric t respec t for t hem and to estab lish a j ust and lasting peace a ll over the worl d,
Reaf firming also the r ight o f eve ryone to edu cation, which is e nshrine d in the
Univ ersal Declar ation of Human Right s
and is recog nized by States partie s to the
Inter nationa l Covena nt on E conomic, Social a nd Cult ural Righ ts,
the Conventi on on
the Righ ts of the Chil d,
t he Con vention on the Elimi nation of Al l For ms of
Disc riminati on agai nst Women,
the Conve ntion o n the R ights o f Perso ns with
Disa bili ties
and other r elevant instrume nts,
Reca llin g t hat the Sustain able De velopme nt Goal s and t argets, as set out in the
2030 Agenda for Sust ainable Dev elopment ,
ar e inte grated and indi visible and
bala nce the three di mensions o f s ustainab le develop ment, and ac knowledg ing the
impo rtance of taking mea sures to ensure incl usive and equitab le q uality educ ation
and promoti ng lifel ong lea rning o pportun ities f or all, includi ng expa nded
oppo rtunitie s for all c hildren, parti cularly girls, to a ccess quality educa tion, as wel l
Resolut ion 21 7 A (III) .
See res olution 2200 A (XXI), annex .
United Nations , Treaty Serie s, vol . 1577, No. 2 7531.
Ibid., vol. 12 49, No . 2037 8.
Ibid., vol. 25 15, No . 4491 0.
Resolut ion 70 /1.

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