A/RES/74/151. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/151
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /74/ 151
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
21 J anuary 2 020
19-222 58 (E) 22012 0
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 70 (b)
Promoti on and protect ion of huma n rights: human rights
questio ns, includin g alternativ e approaches for improving
the eff ective enjoy ment of huma n rights and fundamental
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 18 December 2019
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/74/ 399/ Add.2 )]
74/151. Streng thening Uni ted Na tions action in the field of human rights
through the promotio n of internationa l coop eratio n an d the
importance o f non -selectivity, imparti ality and objectiv ity
The General Assembly ,
Bear ing in mi nd that among the purpo ses of t he U nited Nation s are tho se o f
deve loping frie ndly relati ons among nati ons based on res pect for the prin ciple of
equa l rights and sel f-deter mination of peop les and taking o ther ap propriat e measur es
to st rengthe n univer sal pea ce, as well as a chievin g intern ational coop eration in
solvi ng inte rnationa l probl ems of an econ omic, s ocial, c ultural or huma nitaria n
char acter and in pro moting and enc ouragin g res pect for hum an r ights and
fund amental freedoms for all w ithout di stinctio n as to ra ce, sex, l anguage or religi on,
Desi rous of a chieving further pr ogress in in ternatio nal coope ration in pr omoting
and encourag ing resp ect for human rights a nd fund amental freedom s,
Cons ider ing tha t su ch inte rnationa l c ooperati on shou ld b e b ased on the
princ iples emb odied in int ernatio nal law, espec ially the Ch arter of th e United Na tions,
as well a s the Univer sal De claratio n of Human Rights,
the Intern ational Covena nts
on H uman Ri ghts
and other r elevant instrume nts,
Deep ly convin ced that United N ations a ction in t he field o f human ri ghts sho uld
be bas ed not onl y on a profo und unde rstandin g of the bro ad range o f problem s
exist ing in all soc ieties but also on ful l respe ct for t he poli tical, e conomic and so cial
reali ties of each of them, i n strict complia nce with the pu rposes a nd princ iples of the
Resolut ion 21 7 A (III) .
Resolut ion 22 00 A (XXI ), ann ex.

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