A/RES/74/149. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/74/149
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/7 4/14 9
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
24 J anuary 2 020
19-222 53 (E) 2 801 20
Seventy -fourth ses sion
Agen da item 70 (b)
Promoti on and prote ction of huma n rights: human rights
questio ns, includin g alternativ e approaches for improving
the eff ective enjoy ment of huma n rights and fundamental
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 18 December 2019
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/74/ 399/ Add.2 )]
74/149. The r ight to food
The General Assembly ,
Reaf firm ing the Chart er of t he Unit ed Nati ons and its i mportanc e for t he
promo tion an d prote ction of all hum an right s and fu ndament al freed oms for all,
Reaf firming a lso prev ious resol utions an d decisio ns on the r ight to foo d adopted
withi n the fr amewor k of the United Nations ,
Reca llin g the Un iversal D eclarati on of Human Rights,
w hich provi des that
ever yone has the rig ht to a standar d of liv ing adeq uate fo r her or his hea lth and well-
bein g, inc luding food, the Unive rsal Declarat ion o n the Erad ication of Hunger and
Malnut ritio n,
the United Nation s Mill ennium Declaratio n,
in particul ar Mill ennium
Deve lopment Goa l 1 on eradic ating extre me p overty and hung er b y 201 5, a nd t he
2030 Age nda for Sustai nable Develo pment,
in par ticular the Sus tainable Dev elopment
Goal s on e nding hung er, a chieving food sec urity and i mproved nu trition an d
promo ting su stainabl e agric ulture a nd on en ding pov erty in all it s forms everywh ere,
Reco gniz ing t hat achie ving the Su stainab le Develo pment Goa ls can help to
ensu re the e nd of hu nger in all its forms b y 2030 a nd to ac hieve fo od secu rity,
Resolut ion 21 7 A (III) .
Report of the World Fo od Con ference , Rome , 5–16 Nove mber 19 74 (U nited N ations publi cation,
Sale s No. E.75.II .A.3), chap. I.
Resolut ion 55 /2.
Resolut ion 70 /1.

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