A/RES/73/90. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2018

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/90
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /73/ 90
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
18 D ecember 2018
18-214 03 (E) 201218
Seventy -third sess ion
Agen da item 51
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 7 December 2018
[on th e report of the Spe cial Polit ical and Decoloni zation Com mittee
(Four th Co mmittee) (A/73/47 0)]
73/90. Univer sity for Peac e
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g it s resol ution 7 0/79 of 9 Decem ber 201 5, in which it recalle d that, in
its resolut ion 34 /111 of 14 Dece mber 1 979, i t had approv ed the idea of est ablishin g
the Unive rsity for Peace as a sp ecialize d in ternatio nal c entre for highe r ed ucation,
rese arch and the dis seminati on of kn owledge specifi cally ai med at tr aining and
educ ation for peace a nd its un iversal promotio n within the Unit ed Nati ons syste m, as
well as all p recedin g resolu tions on this it em,
Reca lling also that , in its reso lution 35/ 55 of 5 Decembe r 19 80, the General
Asse mbly app roved t he estab lishment of the Universi ty for P eace in conformi ty with
the Inte rnationa l Agreeme nt for the E stablish ment of the U niver sity fo r Peace ,
cont ained in the ann ex to th at resol ution,
Taking i nto acco unt tha t in 2020 the Univ ersity will celeb rate 40 years of
exec uting th e manda te given to it by the Ge neral Asse mbly of educati ng and t raining
leade rs for p eace,
Reco gniz ing the i mporta nt an d va ried activit ies c arried out by the Univers ity
duri ng the perio d from 2015 to 2 018 wi th the valua ble a ssistanc e and contri butions
of Govern ments, foundat ions a nd no n-gove rnmenta l organ izations , in particu lar th e
prog ress mad e in t he furth er dev elopment and i mplement ation o f the a cademic
prog ramme a nd in ex panding its cov erage in various region s of the world,
Noti ng with apprec iation that t he Uni versity has r eaffirme d its commit ment to
acad emic exce llence thr oughout i ts doctora l and maste r’s degr ee progra mmes in are as
relat ed to peac e stu dies, securit y and the envir onment, whic h inc lude two m aster ’s
degr ee progr ammes t aught in Spanish ,
Noti ng with appre ciation also that t he maj ority of the stude nts an d alum ni are
wome n, and acknowl edging the fa ct that women play a critical role a s peaceb uilders
at th e intern ational, nation al and l ocal lev els,

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