A/RES/73/342. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/342
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/73 /342
General Assembly
Distr.: Gen eral
20 Septemb er 2019
19-15930 (E) 260919
Seventy -third session
Agenda i tem 14
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 16 September 2019
[without referenc e to a Main Committe e (A/73/L.117)]
73/342. International Labour Org anizat ion Centena ry Declarati on
for the Future of Work
The Gene ral Assembly,
Recallin g th e outcomes of the major Unit ed Nations conferences and summ its
in the econo mic, social and rela ted fields, includi ng the development g oals and
objectiv es co ntained therein , and recogniz ing t he vi tal r ole playe d by t hese
conferen ces and summits i n shaping a broa d developm ent vision and in identifyin g
commonly agreed o bjective s, which have contrib uted to t he improveme nt of huma n
life in different parts of the world,
Reaffirm ing its reso lution 70 /1 of 25 September 2015, ent itled “Tran sforming
our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl e Devel opment ”, in which it adopted a
comprehe nsive, far- reaching and people-c entred set of univer sal and transformative
Sustaina ble Development G oals and targets, its commitment to working tire lessly for
the full i mplementation o f the Ag enda by 2030, its r ecognition that e radicating
poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greates t
global challenge and an indispensa ble requir ement for sustainabl e deve lopment, i ts
commitme nt to achi eving sustainabl e dev elopment in its thre e dime nsions
economic , social and environmental – in a balanced and integ rated man ner, and to
building upon the achievement s of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking
to addre ss their unfin ished business,
Reaffirm ing a lso its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa
Action Agend a of the Third Inte rnational Confe rence on Financi ng for Developme nt,
which is an integral pa rt of the 2030 Agenda fo r Sustainable Development, supports
and com plements it, helps to contextu alize its m eans of impl ementation ta rgets with
concrete policies and a ctions, and re affirms the stro ng political co mmitment to
address the challenge of fin ancing and cre ating an enabl ing environment at all levels
for sust ainable develop ment in the sp irit of global partnership an d solidarity,

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