A/RES/73/150. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2018

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/150
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /73/ 150
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
21 Janu ary 201 9
18-222 03 (E) 230119
Seventy -third sess ion
Agen da item 65
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 17 December 2018
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/73/ 583)]
73/150. Assistance to refugees, returnees and displ aced person s in Africa
The General Assembl y,
Reca llin g th e Organi zation of African Unity Conventi on gove rning th e speci fic
aspe cts of refu gee probl ems in Afri ca of 1969
and t he African C harter on Human an d
Peop lesRight s,
Reaf firm ing that the 1 951 Con vention relating to the Sta tus of R efugees,
toge ther with the 1967 Prot ocol thereto ,
as comp lemente d by the Org anizatio n o f
Afric an Uni ty Conve ntion of 19 69, re mains th e found ation o f the i nternati onal
refug ee prot ection r egime in Africa,
Welcomi ng t he entry into for ce on 6 D ecember 2012 and the ongo ing pro cess of
ratif ication of the Afric an Union Conv ention for the Pr otection an d Ass istance of
Inter nally Disp laced Pers ons in Africa, whic h mark a s ignific ant st ep tow ards
stre ngthenin g the natio nal an d reg ional normati ve fra mewor ks for the protec tion o f
and assistan ce to in ternally displac ed pers ons,
Welcomi ng also t he decisio n of the Afri can Unio n to declar e 2019 as t he African
Year of Re fugees, R eturnees a nd Inter nally Disp laced Per sons: Towar ds Durabl e
Solut ions to Forc ed Di splacem ent in Africa, in comm emorati on of th e fift ieth
anni versary of the Organi zation of Africa n Unit y Conv ention governi ng the specifi c
aspe cts of refu gee probl ems in Afric a of 1969 an d the tent h anniver sary of the Af rican
Unio n Conve ntion for the Prote ction a nd Assist ance of Intern ally Di splaced Person s
in Afr ica (Ka mpala Co nventio n) of 20 09,
Reco gniz ing t he partic ular vuln erabilit y of wome n and child ren, as we ll as olde r
perso ns and pe rsons wi th d isabilit ies, amo ng r efugees a nd d isplaced per sons,
includi ng exp osure t o discr iminatio n, sexu al exp loitatio n and abuse, physical abuse ,
United Nations , Treaty Serie s, vol . 1001, N o. 14 691 .
Ibid., vol. 152 0, No . 263 63.
Ibid., vol. 189 , No. 254 5.
Ibid., vo l. 606, N o. 8 791.

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