A/RES/73/146. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2018

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/146
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /73/ 146
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
18 Janu ary 201 9
18-221 83 (E) 220119
Seventy -third sess ion
Agen da item 29
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 17 December 2018
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/73/ 582)]
73/146. Trafficking in women a nd girls
The General Assembly ,
Reit erating i ts strong c ondemna tion of human tr afficking , especia lly traf ficking
in wome n a nd children , w hich const itutes a seriou s c rime and a grave offe nce to
huma n di gnity and physica l int egrity, a v iolation and abus e of hum an ri ghts and a
chall enge to sustaina ble dev elopment and whi ch requi res (a) the impl ementati on of a
comp rehensiv e approac h t hat includ es partner ships and me asures to pr event such
traff icking, to prosecut e and puni sh the traf fickers, t o identif y, p rotect an d support the
victi ms of such traffic king and to int ensify inter nationa l coope ration a nd (b) a
crim inal jus tice res ponse pr oportion ate to the serio us natu re of th e offence ,
Reca llin g all i nternati onal c onventi ons th at de al sp ecifical ly wit h and addr ess
issu es rele vant to the problem of tr affickin g in women and gir ls, suc h as the Un ited
Nati ons Co nventio n aga inst Tra nsnatio nal Or ganized Crime
an d the P rotocols
ther eto, in partic ular the Pro tocol to Prev ent, Suppr ess and Punis h Tr affickin g i n
Pers ons, E speciall y Wo men an d Chil dren, supp lementin g the Un ited N ations
Conv ention aga inst Transna tional Org anized Cri me,
a nd the Protoc ol agains t t he
Smug gling of Mig rants by Lan d, Sea and Air, supp lementi ng the United N ations
Conv ention ag ainst Trans national Orga nized Cri me,
the Con vention o n the
Elimi nation of All Fo rms o f Disc riminati on aga inst Wom en
a nd the O ptional
Proto col ther eto,
the Con vention on th e Rights of the Child
and the Opt ional
Proto col thereto on the sale of childre n, ch ild prostitu tion and child pornog raphy,
and th e Con vention fo r the S uppressi on of t he Traffi c in Pe rsons and o f the
United Nations , Treaty Serie s, vol . 2225, N o. 39 574 .
Ibid., vol. 223 7, No . 395 74.
Ibid., vol. 224 1, No . 395 74.
Ibid., vol. 124 9, No . 203 78.
Ibid., vol. 213 1, No . 203 78.
Ibid., vol. 157 7, No . 275 31.
Ibid., vol. 217 1, No . 275 31.

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