A/RES/73/137. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2018

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/137
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /73/ 137
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
15 Janu ary 201 9
18-220 64 (E) 170119
Seventy -third sess ion
Agen da item 75 (a)
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 14 December 2018
[witho ut reference to a Mai n Commit tee (A/7 3/L.5 1 and A/73 /L.5 1/Ad d.1)]
73/137. Safe ty and security o f huma nitari an personnel and protection
of United Nation s pers onnel
The General Assembly ,
Reaf firm ing its reso lution 46/182 o f 19 De cember 1991 on the str engthen ing of
the coordina tion of humanit arian em ergency assistan ce of th e Unite d Nation s,
Reca llin g all relev ant resolut ions on the safet y an d security of hum anitari an
perso nnel and protecti on of Unit ed Natio ns person nel, incl uding its r esolutio n 72/1 31
of 11 De cember 2017, as well as Securit y Cou ncil r esoluti ons o n the prote ction of
huma nitarian per sonnel, inc luding reso lution 217 5 (2 014) of 29 Au gust 2014, and
relev ant sta tements by the P residen t of the Council ,
Reca lling a lso all Securi ty Cou ncil re solution s and presiden tial st atements and
repor ts of the S ecretary -Gener al to the Co uncil on t he protec tion of civ ilians in armed
confl ict, inc luding r esoluti on 2286 (2016) of 3 Ma y 2016,
Reaf firm ing the princ iples, rules and rele vant provisio ns o f int ernation al l aw,
inclu ding int ernation al human itarian la w and hum an rights law, as well as all rele vant
treat ies,
and the nee d to fur ther pro mote an d ensure respec t thereo f,
These i nclude, notab ly, the Conven tion on the P rivileg es and Immun ities of the United Natio ns
of 13 Febr uary 19 46, th e Conve ntion on the Privil eges a nd Imm unities of th e Spec ialized
Agen cies of 21 No vember 1947, the Co nventi on on the S afety of Unit ed Nat ions a nd Assoc iated
Pers onnel of 9 De cember 1994, the Op tional Proto col to the Co nventi on on t he Saf ety of United
Nati ons and Associ ated P ersonne l of 8 Decem ber 200 5, the Genev a Conv ention relati ve to t he
Prot ection of Civ ilian P ersons in Tim e of War of 12 A ugust 1949 an d the A ddition al Pro tocols to
the Geneva Conve ntions of 8 J une 197 7, and Amende d Proto col II of 3 M ay 199 6 to t he
Conv ention on Pro hibiti ons or Restri ctions on the Use o f Cert ain Con ventio nal Weap ons Whi ch
May Be Dee med to Be Ex cessiv ely Inj urious or to Have I ndiscri minate Effect s of 1 0 Octo ber
1980 , as ap plicab le.

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