A/RES/72/244. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2017

Resolution NumberA/RES/72/244
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /72/ 244
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
22 Janu ary 201 8
17-233 27 (E) 250118
Seventy -second ses sion
Agen da item s 14 and 117
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 24 December 2017
[witho ut reference to a Mai n Commit tee (A/7 2/L.9 )]
72/244. M odali ties for the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
The General Assembly ,
Recal ling its resoluti on 71/1 of 19 Sept ember 20 16, entit led “New York
Declar ation for Ref ugees and Mi grants”, and t he la unch of a proc ess of
intergo vernmental negot iations leading to th e adop tion of a global compact for sa fe,
order ly and regu lar migrat ion at an i ntergovern mental con ference to be held in 2018 ,
Reca lling also its r esolutio n 71 /280 of 6 A pril 2017 on th e mod alities for the
inter governme ntal negoti ations of the global compa ct for s afe, orderly and regu lar
migr atio n,
Reaf firm ing th at the globa l compact fo r safe, orde rly and regu lar migrat ion
woul d set out a r ange of pri nciples, commitm ents and u ndersta ndings am ong Memb er
Stat es regardin g interna tional migr ation in all it s dimensi ons, make an i mportant
cont ribution to gl obal go vernan ce and e nhance coord ination on in ternatio nal
migr ation, p resent a fra mework for compre hensive intern ational coope ration on
migr ants a nd huma n mob ility, de al wit h all aspec ts of inter national migra tion,
inclu ding the humanita rian, dev elopmen tal, huma n right s-relat ed and othe r aspect s of
migr ation a nd be guided by the 203 0 Agend a for Sustain able D evelopm ent
an d the
Addi s Ababa A ction Ag enda o f the T hird I nternati onal Co nferenc e on Financin g for
Deve lop ment
an d infor med b y the Decla ration of t he Hig h-leve l Dialo gue o n
Inter nationa l Migrat ion and Develop ment ad opted in Octobe r 2013,
Ackn owledgi ng wit h app reciation the volun tary contrib utions receive d to date
by th e United Nations multi-p artner tr ust fund to suppor t the glo bal comp act for s afe,
order ly and regular migrati on,
Resolut ion 70 /1.
Resolut ion 69 /313 , a nnex.
Resolut ion 68 /4.
Modalities for the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
1. Takes note w ith ap preciatio n of the no te by the S ecretary -Gener al on the
prop osed org anizatio n of wor k of the intergov ernment al confe rence to adopt a global
comp act for safe, or derly an d regul ar migra tion;
2. Takes note of the appoi ntment by the Secre tary-Ge neral of a S ecretary -
Gene ral of t he inte rgovernm ental confer ence to serve a s focal point within the
Secr etariat for prov iding su pport to the org anizatio n of the conf erence;
3. Requ ests the Secre tary-Ge neral to provi de appropr iate suppor t f rom all
relev ant p arts o f the Secret ariat, and i n coo peration with other relev ant pa rts of the
Unit ed Nati ons syst em, in particu lar the Internat ional O rganizat ion for Migrati on, to
the work of the confe rence and to facili tate in ter-ag ency c ooperat ion to that end, a s
well a s to ensure t he efficie nt use of res ources, so that the obj ectives o f the confe rence
can be achie ved;
4. Deci des that the interg overnme ntal confere nce, entit led
“Int ergovern mental Confere nce to Adopt the G lobal Compact for Safe, Order ly and
Regu lar Migr ation”, shall b e held in Moro cco on 1 0 and 1 1 Decembe r 2018;
5. Welcom es the offe r of the Gov ernment of Moro cco t o host the
Inter governme ntal Co nferenc e;
6. Reaf firm s it s decisi on that the Inte rgovern mental C onferen ce:
(a) S hall be h eld at t he h ighest possi ble politica l le vel, includi ng H eads of
Stat e or Gov ernment ;
(b) S hall resu lt in the adoptio n of an in tergover nmental ly negoti ated and
agre ed outco me, entitl ed “Glob al Compa ct for Saf e, Order ly and Reg ular Migr ation” ,
the s cope o f whic h is defined in annex II to its res olution 71/1, the negotia tions for
whic h shall b e conclu ded by J uly 2018 , in acco rdance with its r esolutio n 71/ 280, a nd
that th e outcome sh all be trans mitted by t he Preside nt of the Gene ral Assembl y, during
its s eventy- second s ession, to the Intergov ernment al Confe rence f or adopt ion;
(c) S hall also re sult in su mmaries of th e p lenary m eetings a nd other
delib eration s of the I ntergove rnmenta l Confere nce, to b e includ ed in the report o f the
Conf eren ce;
(d) S hall appl y the mod alities f or partic ipation as stat ed in i ts resolu tion
71/2 80;
7. Deci des t hat the In tergover nmental Conferen ce shall e lect from among the
repr esentati ves of partici pating States the fol lowing officer s: tw o Presi dents, and 13
Vice-P resi dent s,
one of whom shall b e design ated as Rappor teur-Gen eral, as well as
a Cha ir of th e Main Commit tee, if establis hed;
8. Reco mme nds the p rovisio nal ru les of proced ure, se t fort h in a nnex t o the
prese nt reso lution, for adop tion at the In tergover nmental Confer ence;
9. Deci des that the G lobal Co mpact f or Safe, O rderly a nd Regu lar Migr ation
shall be adopted at the open ing plen ary meeti ng of the Int ergovern mental Co nference ,
on M onday, 10 Decembe r 2018;
A/72/27 1.
See let ter dat ed 6 Ap ril 201 7 from the Se cretar y-Gen eral t o the P reside nt of t he Gen eral
Asse mbly at its s eventy -first sessio n.
Three from each of the follo wing groups : Afri can States ; Asia -Paci fic States; Eas tern Europ ean
Stat es; Lati n Americ an and C aribbe an Stat es; and Wes tern Eur opean and othe r State s. The el ection
of t he Pre sidents will, howev er, have the e ffect of redu cing b y one the nu mber o f Vice -Presi dents
alloc ated t o the regions from which each of the P reside nts is electe d.

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