A/RES/72/207. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2017

Resolution NumberA/RES/72/207
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /72/ 207
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
17 Janu ary 201 8
17-232 73 (E) 220118
Seventy -second ses sion
Agen da item 17 (f)
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 20 December 2017
[on th e report of the Seco nd Comm ittee (A/72 /418 /Add .6)]
72/207. Promotion of inter national coo perati on to comba t illicit financial
flows in order to foster sustainable develo pment
The General Assembly ,
Guid ed by the pu rposes and princip les e nshrined in the Charter of the U nited
Nati ons,
Reaf firm ing i ts re solution 70/ 1 of 2 5 Septemb er 2 015, entitled “Tra nsformin g
our worl d: t he 2 030 A genda for Susta inable Deve lopment ”, in which it adopte d a
comp rehensiv e, fa r-reachi ng and peopl e-centr ed set of universa l and transf ormativ e
Sust ainable D evelop ment Goa ls and tar gets, its commitm ent to wo rking tireles sly for
the f ull impl ementati on of th e A genda by 2030, i ts recog nition t hat eradi cating
pove rty i n al l its for ms an d di mension s, in cluding extr eme poverty, is the greates t
glob al cha llenge and an in dispens able r equirem ent fo r sus tainabl e deve lopm ent, i ts
comm itment to achiev ing sustaina ble develop ment in i ts t hree dimensi ons
econ omic, social and e nvironme ntal — in a bal anced and in tegrated manne r, and to
buil ding up on the achie vements of t he Mil lennium Devel opment Goals and s eeking
to ad dress t heir unf inished busines s,
Reaf firming al so its reso lution 69 /313 of 27 J uly 2015 o n the Addis Ababa
Acti on Agenda of the T hird Inte rnationa l Confer ence on Financi ng for De velopme nt,
whic h is a n integr al par t of t he 2030 Agenda for Su stainabl e Deve lopment, suppo rts
and comple ments i t, help s to co ntextua lize it s means of im plement ation t argets w ith
conc rete pol icies a nd actio ns, and reaffir ms the s trong p olitical commit ment to
addr ess the challeng e of fin ancing and cre ating a n enabli ng envir onment at all le vels
for s ustainab le deve lopment in the spirit of global partner ship and solidar ity,
Reaf firming further the United Nations Conven tion ag ainst C orruptio n,
whi ch
is the mo st co mprehens ive a nd uni versal instru ment o n cor ruption, and recogni zing
the need to co ntinue to pr omote its r atificat ion or acces sion thereto and its fu ll and
United Nations , Treaty Serie s, vol . 2349, N o. 42 146 .

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