A/RES/72/204. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2017

Resolution NumberA/RES/72/204
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /72/ 204
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
23 Jan uary 201 8
17-2326 8 (E) 260118
Seventy -secon d session
Agen da item 17 (c)
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 20 December 2017
[on th e report of the Seco nd Commi ttee (A/ 72/4 18/Ad d.3 )]
72/204 . Exter nal de bt sustainability and development
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g it s resol utions 58/203 of 23 De cember 2003, 59/223 of 22 D ecember
2004 , 60/ 187 o f 22 Decembe r 20 05, 6 1/18 8 of 20 De cember 20 06, 6 2/18 6 of
19 De cember 2 007, 63/2 06 o f 19 Decem ber 2008, 64/191 o f 21 Dece mber 2009 ,
65/1 44 o f 20 De cember 2010, 6 6/1 89 o f 22 Dec ember 2011, 67 /198 of 21 Dece mber
2012 , 68/ 202 o f 20 Decembe r 20 13, 6 9/20 7 of 19 De cember 20 14, 7 0/19 0 of
22 De cember 2015 an d 71/21 6 of 21 Dece mber 20 16,
Noti ng t he work of the United N ations in this a rea,
Reaf firm ing its resolu tion 70/1 of 2 5 Septem ber 2 015, entitled “Tra nsformin g
our worl d: t he 2 030 A genda for Susta inable Deve lopment ”, i n w hich it adopted a
comp rehensiv e, far -reachin g and peopl e-centre d set of un iversal and transfor mative
Sust ainable Dev elopmen t G oals and targe ts, its commit ment to wor king tireles sly
for the full impleme ntation of the Ag enda by 2 030, its re cogniti on th at era dicatin g
pove rty i n al l its for ms an d di mension s, in cluding extr eme poverty, is the greates t
glob al cha llenge and an in dispens able r equirem ent fo r sus tainabl e deve lopm ent, i ts
comm itment to ac hieving sus tainable dev elopmen t in it s th ree dimens ions
econ omic, social and e nvironme ntal — in a bal anced and in tegrated manne r, and to
buil ding up on the achie vements of t he Mil lennium Devel opment Goals and s eeking
to ad dress t heir unf inished busines s,
Reaf firming al so its reso lution 69/ 313 of 27 J uly 2015 on th e Ad dis Ababa
Acti on Agen da of the Third Intern ational Conf erence on F inancin g for
Deve lopment , wh ich is an in tegral par t of the 20 30 Ag enda for S ustainab le
Deve lopment , suppor ts and co mpleme nts it, h elps to c ontextu alize its means o f
impl ementati on ta rgets with concret e pol icies and a ctions, and reaffir ms th e str ong
poli tical co mmitmen t to a ddress the ch allenge of fin ancing and c reating an ena bling
envi ronment at all lev els for sust ainable de velopme nt i n th e sp irit of globa l
part nership and soli darity,

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