A/RES/72/179. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2017

Resolution NumberA/RES/72/179
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /72/ 179
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
29 J anuary 2 018
Seventy -second ses sion
Agen da item 72 (b)
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 19 December 2017
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/72/ 439/ Add.2 )]
72/179. Protection of migra nts
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g all its previo us re solutio ns o n the pro tection of migr ants, the most
rece nt of whi ch is res olution 70/147 o f 17 Dec ember 20 15, and r ecalling also Hu man
Righ ts Counc il resol utions 35/17 of 22 June 2017 a nd 35/5 of 28 Sep tember 2017,
Reaf firm ing the Uni versal Declarat ion of Human R ights,
whi ch proc laims th at
all human beings are born free and e qual i n dign ity a nd rig hts an d that ever yone i s
entit led to al l the rig hts and freedom s set out therein, without distinc tion of a ny kind,
in pa rticular as to r ace,
Reaf firming a lso that everyon e has the right to free dom of mo vement a nd
resid ence with in the bord ers of each St ate and the ri ght to leave any countr y, i ncluding
his o r her o wn, and to retur n to his or her country,
Reaf firming furthe r that everyo ne ha s the right t o reco gnition every where as a
perso n befor e the la w,
Reca llin g all releva nt internat ional instr uments, part icularl y th e In ternatio nal
Cove nant on C ivil and P olitical Rights
and th e Intern ational C ovenant on Econo mic,
Soci al and Cultu ral Rights ,3 the Conv ention aga inst Torture a nd Other Cr uel, Inhum an
or De grading Tr eatment or P unishme nt,
the I nternati onal Con vention for the
Prote ction of All Persons f rom Enfo rced Disa ppearan ce,
the Co nventio n on the
Elimi nation of All Forms of Di scrimina tion a gainst Wo men,
th e Conv ention on the
See Off icial Records of the Gener al Asse mbly, Se venty -secon d Sess ion, Su ppleme nt No. 53
(A/72 /53) , chap. V, sect. A.
Resolut ion 21 7 A (III).
See res olutio n 2200 A (XXI), annex.
United Nations , Treaty Serie s, vol . 1465, No. 24 841.
Ibid., vol. 271 6, No. 48088.
Ibid., vol. 124 9, No. 20378.

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