A/RES/72/155. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2017

Resolution NumberA/RES/72/155
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /72/ 155
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
17 J anuary 2 018
17-229 61 (E) 2 20118
Seventy -second ses sion
Agen da item 69 (a)
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 19 December 2017
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/72/ 436 )]
72/155. Rig hts of indigenous peoples
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g all re levant resolut ions of the Gener al Asse mbly, th e Hum an Ri ghts
Coun cil and the Economic an d So cial Council rel ating to the rights of indige nous
peop les, reaf firming i ts resolu tions 65 /19 8 of 2 1 Decemb er 2010, 6 6/14 2 o f
19 Dece mber 2011 , 67/153 of 20 Decembe r 2012, 6 8/14 9 of 18 Decemb er 2013, 69/2
of 22 Septe mber 20 14, 6 9/15 9 of 18 D ecember 2014, 70/23 2 of 23 D ecember 2015,
71/1 78 o f 19 Dec ember 2 016 and 71/321 of 8 Septem ber 2017 , and r ecalling Human
Righ ts C ouncil resol utions 27/1 3 of 25 Septe mber 2014,
30/4 of 1 Octo ber 2015,
33/1 2 and 33/13 o f 29 Sept ember 2 016
and 36/14 of 28 Septe mber 20 17,
Reaf firm ing t he U nited Nation s Dec laratio n on the Righ ts of Indi genous
Peop les,
whi ch addre sses the individ ual and collecti ve right s of ind igenous peoples ,
Reaf firming al so the out come doc ument of th e high-l evel plen ary meeti ng of the
Gene ral Ass embly known as the Wo rld C onferenc e on Indi genous Peopl es, held i n
New York on 22 and 23 Septembe r 2014,
in which H eads of State a nd Gove rnment,
minis ters and r epresent atives of M ember St ates reite rated the i mportan t a nd
cont inuing ro le of the Un ited Nat ions in pro moting a nd protec ting the r ights of
indi genous pe oples, re calling th e inclusi ve prepara tory pro cess for th e high- level
plen ary mee ting, includin g the compr ehensive engag ement of the repre sentativ es of
indi genous p eoples, and we lcoming and re affirming the co mmitmen ts, mea sures an d
See Off icial Records of the Gener al Asse mbly, Si xty-n inth Se ssion, Suppl ement No. 53A and
corrig enda (A/6 9/53/A dd.1, A/69/53 /Add.1 /Corr.1 and A/6 9/53/ Add.1/ Corr.2) , chap. IV, sect. A.
Ibid., Seventi eth Se ssion, Supple ment N o. 53A (A/70/ 53/ Add. 1), chap. III.
Ibid., Seventy -first Sessio n, Sup plemen t No. 53A and co rrigen dum (A /71/ 53/A dd. 1 a nd
A/71 /53/ Add. 1/C orr.1 ), c hap. II.
Ibid., Seventy -secon d Sess ion, S uppleme nt No. 53A (A /72/ 53/ Add. 1), chap. III.
Resolut ion 61 /295 , a nnex.
Resolut ion 69 /2.

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