A/RES/71/215. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2016

Resolution NumberA/RES/71/215
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
25 January 2017
Seventy-first session
Agenda item 17 (b)
16-22588 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 21 December 2016
[on the report of the Second Committee (A/71/461/Add.2)]
71/215 . Internationa l fina ncial system and developm ent
The General Assembly ,
Reca lling its re solution s 55/186 of 20 D ecember 2000 and 5 6/18 1 of
21 Dece mber 200 1, entit led “Towar ds a stre ngthened a nd stable i nternati onal
fina ncial archi tecture re sponsiv e to th e pri orities of gr owth and de velopmen t,
espe cially in de veloping countrie s, and to the pr omotion o f economi c and social
equi ty”, as well as i ts resol utions 57/2 41 of 20 De cember 2002 , 58/20 2 of
23 Dece mber 200 3, 59/22 2 of 22 Decemb er 2004, 6 0/18 6 of 22 Decemb er 2005,
61/1 87 o f 20 De cember 2 006, 6 2/18 5 o f 19 Dec ember 2 007, 63 /205 of 19 Dece mber
2008 , 64/ 190 of 21 Decembe r 20 09, 6 5/14 3 of 20 De cember 20 10, 6 6/18 7 of
22 Dece mber 2011 , 67/197 of 21 Decembe r 2012, 6 8/20 1 of 20 Decemb er 2013,
69/2 06 o f 19 Dece mber 20 14 and 70/188 of 22 De cember 2015,
Reaf firmi ng its resolu tion 70/1 of 2 5 Septe mber 2 015, entitle d “Tra nsformi ng
our worl d: t he 2 030 Agenda for Sus tainable De velopme nt”, in which it adopte d a
comp rehensiv e, fa r-reachi ng and peopl e-centr ed set of universa l and transf ormativ e
Sust ainable Dev elopmen t G oals and targe ts, its commit ment to worki ng tireles sly
for the full impleme ntation of the Agenda by 2030, its recogni tion t hat e radicati ng
pove rty i n al l its for ms a nd d imensio ns, i ncludi ng e xtreme pove rty, is the gre atest
glob al cha llenge and an i ndispens able require ment for su stainab le de velopme nt, it s
comm itment to ach ieving sus tainabl e de velopme nt i n its thr ee d imensio ns
econ omic, social and e nvironme ntal — in a ba lanced and i ntegrat ed man ner, an d to
buil ding up on the achi evements of t he Mi llennium Deve lopment Goals and seeking
to ad dress t heir unfi nished business ,
Reaf firming al so its resol ution 69/3 13 of 27 July 2015 o n the Addis Ab aba
Acti on A genda of the Thi rd I nternati onal Confe rence on Fina ncing for
Deve lopment , wh ich is an in tegral par t o f th e 2 030 Agend a f or S ustainab le
Deve lopment , suppor ts and c ompleme nts it, h elps to contex tualize its mea ns of
impl ementati on ta rgets with concre te po licies and action s, an d rea ffirms the strong
poli tical co mmitme nt to address the ch allenge of fin ancing and c reatin g an enabling
envi ronment a t all le vels for sus tainable dev elopmen t in the spi rit of glob al
part nership and soli darity,

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