A/RES/71/167. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2016

Resolution NumberA/RES/71/167
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
2 February 2017
Seventy-first session
Agenda item 27
16-21874 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2016
[on the report of the Third Committee (A/71/477)]
71/167 . Trafficki ng in w omen a nd girl s
The General Assembly ,
Reit erating its strong co ndemnat ion of traff icking i n p ersons, espe cially
wome n and c hildren, which cons titutes a ser ious cr ime and a grave offenc e to
huma n di gnity and physic al in tegrity, a v iolatio n and abu se o f hum an r ights and a
chall enge to sustai nable deve lopment an d w hich requi res the implem entation of a
comp rehensiv e app roach that inc ludes mea sures t o pre vent s uch tra fficking , to
pros ecute and punis h t he trafficke rs a nd to p rotect the vic tims of such traffi cking
and a crimin al justi ce respo nse prop ortion ate to t he serio us natur e of the offence ,
Reca lling all in ternatio nal c onventi ons t hat de al sp ecifical ly wi th an d add ress
issu es rele vant t o the problem of t raffickin g in women and g irls, s uch as the United
Nati ons C onventio n aga inst Transn ational Org anized Cri me
and th e Pro tocols
ther eto, in partic ular the Prot ocol to Prev ent, Suppre ss and Punis h Tr affickin g i n
Pers ons, Es peciall y Women and C hildren, s uppleme nting t he Uni ted Na tions
Conv ention aga inst Transn ational Or ganized Cr ime,
and th e Protoco l against th e
Smug gling of Mig rants by Land , Sea and Air, supp lementi ng the United N ations
Conv ention ag ainst Trans nationa l Orga nized Cri me,
the Co nventio n on th e
Elimi nation of All Forms of Disc riminati on aga inst Wo men
and th e Opti onal
Proto col the reto,
the Conv ention o n the R ights of the Chi ld
and the Opti onal
Proto col thereto on the sale of childr en, c hild prostit ution and child porn ography,
and the Conv ention for the Sup pressio n of the Tra ffic i n Pers ons a nd of th e
Expl oitation o f the Prost itution o f Others,
as we ll as releva nt resolut ions of the
Gene ral Asse mbly, the Econo mic and Social Council and its functio nal com mission s
and t he Huma n Right s Counc il on th e issue,
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2225, No. 39574.
Ibid., vol. 2237, No. 39574.
Ibid., vol. 2241, No. 39574.
Ibid., vol. 1249, No. 20378.
Ibid., vol. 2131, No. 20378.
Ibid., vol. 1577, No. 27531.
Ibid., vol. 2171, No. 27531.
Ibid., vol. 96, No. 1342.

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