A/RES/71/1. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2016

Resolution NumberA/RES/71/1
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
3 October 2016
Seventy-first session
Agenda items 13 and 117
16-16163 (E)
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 September 2016
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/71/L.1)]
71/1. New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants
The General Assembl y
Adop ts the f ollowin g outc ome d ocument of the h igh-lev el ple nary meeting on
addr essing l arge mov ements of refug ees and migrant s:
New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants
We, t he Hea ds of State and G overnme nt and High Repres entative s, mee ting at
Unit ed Nation s Headqua rters in New Yor k on 19 Sep tember 2 016 to add ress the
ques tion o f larg e mov ements of refugee s and migra nts, have adopted the followi ng
poli tical dec laratio n.
I. Introduction
1. Si nce earliest ti mes, human ity has been on the mo ve. Some peopl e m ove in
sear ch of new eco nomic opport unities and horiz ons. Others move to escape arm ed
confl ict, p overty, food insecuri ty, pers ecution, terro rism, or hu man ri ghts v iolation s
and abuse s. St ill ot hers do so in respon se to the adver se eff ects of climate chan ge,
natu ral di sasters ( some of whi ch ma y be link ed to clima te c hange), or oth er
envi ronmenta l factor s. Many move, indeed, for a co mbinati on of th ese reas ons.
2. We hav e consider ed today how the internation al commun ity should best resp ond
to the growing glo bal phenom enon of lar ge movemen ts of refuge es and mig rants.
3. We are wit nessing in tod ay’s wor ld an unprece dented level o f huma n mobi lity.
More pe ople than eve r b efore live in a cou ntry other tha n t he one in which the y
were bor n. M igrants are pres ent in a ll co untries in the world . Mo st o f th em m ove
witho ut incide nt. In 2015, t heir numbe r surpasse d 244 mi llion, gro wing at a rate
faste r th an the world’s popul ation. Howe ver, there are rough ly 65 milli on forcibly
displ aced p ersons, includ ing ov er 21 million refugee s, 3 mi llion asylum seekers and
over 40 milli on inte rnally d isplaced person s.
4. In adop ting the 2 030 Agenda for Sustai nable Develop ment
one year ago, we
reco gnized clearl y the posit ive c ontribut ion m ade b y mig rants for i nclusive gro wth
Resolution 70/1.
New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants
and sustai nable develop ment. Our world is a better plac e for that contri bution. The
bene fits an d oppo rtunitie s of safe, orderly and regular migrat ion ar e subs tantial and
are ofte n unde restimat ed. Fo rced d isplacem ent an d irreg ular m igration in l arge
move ments, o n the o ther han d, often present comple x chall enges.
5. We reaffir m the purpos es an d prin ciples of t he Cha rter of the Unite d Nat ions.
We reaffir m a lso the Unive rsal Decl aration of Hu man Rights
and re call the core
inter nationa l h uman right s treaties . We re affirm and wi ll fully prot ect the huma n
right s of all refuge es a nd mi grants, rega rdless of status; all are rights hold ers. Our
respo nse wi ll demo nstrate full respect for internat ional l aw and intern ational human
right s l aw and , w here ap plicable , i nternati onal re fugee l aw and inter nationa l
huma nitarian law.
6. Th ough th eir treat ment is govern ed by s eparate legal fr amework s, refug ees and
migr ants have th e same unive rsal hum an rights an d fundame ntal freed oms. They
also face ma ny com mon cha llenges and hav e simila r vulne rabiliti es, incl uding i n the
cont ext of large mo vement s. “Large mo vements ” may be unde rstood to re flect a
numb er o f con siderati ons, includin g: t he nu mber of people arriv ing, the e conomic ,
soci al and geograp hical c ontext, the ca pacity of a r eceiving State to res pond an d the
impa ct of a move ment t hat is sudden or p rolonged . The term does no t, for exampl e,
cove r re gular flows of mig rants from one cou ntry to anoth er. “L arge movem ents”
may invo lve mixed flow s o f pe ople, whethe r r efugees or migr ants, who move for
diffe rent rea sons bu t who ma y use si milar r outes.
7. La rge movemen ts of refugee s a nd migrants ha ve politica l, economic , s ocial,
deve lopment al, hum anitaria n and huma n r ights r amifica tions, which cro ss all
bord ers. Thes e are glob al pheno mena that c all for gl obal appr oaches an d global
solut ions. No one State can manag e suc h mo vements on its own. Neig hbourin g or
tran sit coun tries, mostly developi ng cou ntries, are d ispropo rtionate ly affec ted. T heir
capa cities have b een severel y stretche d i n many cases , a ffecting th eir own socia l
and econo mic c ohesion and develo pment. In addition , pro tracted refug ee cr ises a re
now co mmonpla ce, with long -term reper cussion s f or those invo lved and for the ir
host cou ntries and commu nities. Gre ater in ternatio nal co operatio n is n eeded to
assis t host countrie s and co mmuniti es.
8. We d eclare our prof ound so lidarit y with, and sup port fo r, the mill ions of
peop le in differe nt parts of the w orld who , for reason s beyond the ir control , are
forc ed to up root the mselves and the ir famil ies from their homes.
9. Re fugees and migr ants in large move ments o ften fa ce a d esperate ord eal.
Many take gr eat ri sks, e mbarkin g on per ilous jour neys, whic h man y may no t
surv ive. Some feel compelle d to emplo y th e serv ices of cr iminal group s, inc luding
smug glers, a nd othe rs may f all pre y to suc h group s or bec ome vic tims of traffick ing.
Even if t hey reac h th eir dest ination, the y fa ce a n un certain rec eption a nd a
prec arious f uture.
10. We a re de termine d to sa ve li ves. Our ch allenge is abo ve al l mor al an d
huma nitarian . Equa lly, we ar e det ermined to fin d long -term and sus tainable
solut ions. We will com bat with all th e mea ns at our dispo sal t he abu ses an d
expl oitation suffere d by cou ntless refugees and mi grants i n vulner able sit uations.
11. We ack nowledg e a share d re sponsib ility to manag e la rge move ments of
refug ees and mi grants in a humane, s ensitive , compas sionate a nd people -centre d
Resolution 217 A (III).

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