A/RES/70/77. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2015

Resolution NumberA/RES/70/77
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
4 February 2016
Seventieth session
Agenda item 39
15-16831 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 9 December 2015
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/70/L.23 and Add.1)]
70/77. The si tuation in Afghanista n
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g its re solution 69/18 of 20 Novemb er 20 14 and all it s prev ious
relev ant reso lutions ,
Reca lling also all re levant Securi ty Co uncil resolut ions a nd st atements by the
Pres ident of the Coun cil on the situat ion in Afghan istan, in part icular reso lution s
2189 (201 4) of 12 Decemb er 2014 and 221 0 (2015 ) of 16 March 20 15,
Reaf firming its stro ng com mitment to th e sover eignty, i ndepend ence, t erritori al
integ rity a nd nat ional unit y o f Afgh anistan, a nd res pecting it s multi cultural ,
multi -ethn ic and historic al herit age,
Reca llin g t he lon g-term com mitment o f the in ternatio nal co mmunity t o
Afgh anistan, with the a im of s trengthe ning nati onal owne rship an d lea dership
cons istent w ith the Kabul p rocess, and tak ing into accoun t the ev olving nature o f the
prese nce of the inte rnation al commu nity,
Welcomi ng the beginnin g of the t ransfor mation decade (2015 –2024) , in which
Afgh anistan en visages co nsolidat ing its sover eignty thro ugh streng thening a ful ly
funct ioning, sustai nable St ate in the ser vice o f its p eople, with th e go al of b ecoming
fully self-re liant ,
Welcomi ng also t he Tokyo Dec laration : P artners hip for Sel f-Relia nce in
Afgh anistan – Fro m Trans ition to Trans formati on, ad opted at the Tokyo C onferen ce
on Afg hanistan h eld on 8 Jul y 2 012,
incl uding the Toky o Mutual Ac countab ility
Fram ewor k,
whi ch rea ffirms the part nership bet ween the Gover nment of
Afgh anistan and the inte rnationa l co mmunity bas ed o n th eir mutual comm itments,
the Lon don Confer ence on Afgh anistan , h eld on 4 De cember 201 4, and the sixth
Regi onal Eco nomic Cooperat ion Con ference on Afgh anistan, held i n Kabul on 3 an d
4 Sept ember 20 15,
Reaf firm ing the lon g-term p artnersh ip betw een the Govern ment of Afghani stan
and the int ernation al communi ty based on their re newed mut ual commit ments, as
A/66/867-S/2012/532, annex I.
Ibid., annex II.
The situation in Afghanistan
laid down in the Self-R eliance thro ugh Mutual Accou ntabilit y Fra mework adop ted
at the sec ond Senio r Officials M eeting of th e J oint Coor dination a nd Monitor ing
Boar d o f the Tokyo Mutua l Account ability Fra mework , in Kabul on 5 Se ptember
2015 , an d loo king forwar d to the next int ernation al c onferenc e on Afg hanista n, in
Brus sels in 2016,
Welcomi ng an d sup porting the o utcomes o f the high -level me eting on
Afgh anistan’s pe aceful deve lopment and regi onal coope ration, con vened in
New Yor k on 26 Septemb er 2015 by Afgha nistan, Chi na and the United St ates of
Amer ica on t he margi ns of th e sevent ieth se ssion of the Gen eral Asse mbly,
Reco gnizing on ce ag ain th e inte rconnec ted na ture o f the cha llenges i n
Afgh anistan, reaffirm ing tha t sustai nable pr ogress o n securi ty, politic al stabi lity,
gove rnance, financi al sus tainabil ity, huma n right s, the rule of law and d evelopm ent,
as well as o n the cros s-cuttin g issue s of coun ter-nar cotics, ant i-corrup tion an d
acco untabili ty, are mut ually r einforci ng a nd t hat gove rnance an d de velopme nt
prog rammes prior itized for implem entation in the trans formati on d ecade should be
cons istent wit h t he goals set fo rth in the Tokyo De claratio n and with the re form
agen da of th e Gover nment of Afghan istan, c ommen ding the continu ing effo rts of t he
Gove rnment of Af ghanist an, an d unde rlining the imp ortance of the co ntinuing
supp ort of th e inte rnationa l com munity for th e Nati onal U nity Go vernmen t of
Afgh anistan to addr ess thes e challe nges,
Welcomi ng and sup porting the outco me of the C onferen ce on Secu rity and
Coop eration in the Heart of Asia , he ld i n Ist anbul, Turke y, on 2 Nove mber 2011,
whic h l aunched th e I stanbul Pr ocess on Reg ional Secu rity and Coop eration for a
Secu re and St able A fghanist an and t he foll ow-up He art of Asi a Mini sterial
Conf erences, held in Kabul on 14 Ju ne 2012 and in Almaty, K azakhst an, on 2 6 April
2013 , an d t he f ourth Minis terial Conf erence , he ld in B eijing on 31 O ctober 2014 ,
and the Beij ing Declara tion on Afghani stan, which fur thered the Pr ocess wher eby
Afgh anistan an d its r egional p artners, w ith th e sup port o f the i nternati onal
comm unity, a ffirmed their comm itment to s trengthe n regi onal se curity and
coop eration for a se cure and sta ble Afg hanistan , i ncluding thr ough en hanced
regi onal dial ogue and confide nce-build ing meas ures, an d looking forward to the
fifth Heart o f Asia Mi nisteria l Confe rence, in Isla mabad in Decemb er 2015 ,
Stres sing t he cru cial i mportan ce of ad vancing regio nal c ooperati on as a n
effec tive means of pro moting sec urity, s tabilit y and econ omic and socia l
deve lopment i n Afg hanistan , reco gnizing in thi s rega rd th e imp ortance of the
cont ribution of n eighbou ring and regi onal par tners, a s w ell as re gional
organ izations , re calling t he i mportanc e of the Kabul Declar ation on Goo d-
neig hbourly Re lations o f 22 Decembe r 2002 ,
wel coming in th is reg ard t he
cont inued comm itment of the inte rnationa l com munity to sup port stabi lity a nd
deve lopment in Afghan istan, and noting inter national and regio nal i nitiativ es, s uch
as tho se of the Ec onomic C oopera tion Organ ization, the Centr al Asian Re gional
Econ omic Co operati on Prog ramme, the Shangh ai Coo peration Organi zation, the
Coll ective Securi ty Tre aty Organiza tion, the South Asian Asso ciation for Region al
Coop eration, t he Regi onal E conomic C ooperati on Con ferenc e on Afgh anistan
proc ess, t he Eu ropean Union and the Organiz ation for Security and Coope ration in
Euro pe,
A/66/601-S/2011/767, annex.
S/2002/1416, annex.

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