A/RES/70/304. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2016

Resolution NumberA/RES/70/304
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
26 September 2016
Seventieth session
Agenda item 34 (b)
16-15754 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 9 September 2016
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/70/L.65 and Add.1)]
70/304 . Streng thening the ro le of mediati on in the peaceful
settlement of dispu tes, conflict preven tion a nd resol ution
The General Assembly ,
Reca lling its resolu tions 65 /283 of 22 June 2011, 66 /291 of 13 Septe mber 20 12
and 68/30 3 of 31 July 2014 on strengt hening the role of mediati on in the peac eful
settl ement of dispute s, confli ct preve ntion and resolut ion, and all o ther rele vant
Gene ral Ass embly r esolutio ns and Se curity C ouncil reso lutions and pre sidentia l
state ments r elated t o mediat ion,
Guid ed by the p urposes and princ iples enshrin ed in the Chart er of the United
Nati ons,
Reaf firming its commitm ent t o resp ect th e sove reignty, territo rial i ntegrity and
poli tical ind ependen ce of al l States ,
Reca lling Chapter VI, i ncluding Art icle 3 3, o f the Char ter, and other Article s
relev ant to mediatio n,
Bearin g in mind its resp onsibilitie s, functions and pow ers und er the Cha rter, and
thus recalling all its rel evant r esolutions in m atters r elated to the peaceful settle ment
of dis putes, confl ict preventi on and res olution, inc luding thro ugh mediati on,
Reaf firmi ng the re spectiv e role and a uthority of t he Gene ral As sembl y and the
Secu rity Coun cil in the m aintenan ce o f inte rnationa l pea ce a nd sec urity in
acco rdance with the Charter,
Reaf firming also it s commi tment to uphol d the s overeig n equali ty of a ll Stat es,
respe ct for thei r territo rial int egrity a nd poli tical in depend ence an d the d uty of
Memb er States to refr ain in their inter nationa l re lations fro m t he threat or use of
forc e in any mann er incons istent wit h the purpo ses and prin ciples of t he United
Nati ons, and to u phold th e re solution of d isputes by pe aceful mea ns and in
confo rmity with t he prin ciples of jus tice an d i nternat ional l aw, t he righ t to
self -deter minatio n o f peoples w hich remai n under colo nial domin ation or for eign
occu pation, non -interfer ence in the inte rnal aff airs of S tates, r espect for huma n
right s a nd f undamen tal free doms, r espect for t he equa l ri ghts of all with out
disti nction as to race, sex, l anguage or r eligion, intern ational cooper ation in solv ing
inter nationa l p roblems o f an econom ic, social , cultural o r h umanita rian chara cter
and the fulfil ment in g ood f aith of th e obl igations ass umed in a ccordanc e wit h th e
Char ter,

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