A/RES/70/299. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2016

Resolution NumberA/RES/70/299
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
18 August 2016
Seventieth session
Agenda item 15 and 116
15-17053 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 29 July 2016
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/70/L.60)]
70/299. Follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development at the global level
The General Assembl y,
Recalling its resol utions 66/2 88 of 27 Jul y 2 012, 67/290 of 9 July 2013 and
68/1 of 20 S eptembe r 2013,
Reaffirming its resolu tion 70/1 of 25 Septe mber 2015, entitl ed “Tr ansform ing
our w orld: the 2030 Age nda for S ustainab le Devel opment” , and reaff irming o ur
unwa vering co mmitme nt to achi eving thi s Agenda and utili zing it to t he full to
tran sform ou r world for the better b y 2030,
Reaffirming also that in the 2 030 Age nda for S ustaina ble Deve lopment
Memb er States com mitted to enga ging in syste matic follo w-up and re view of the
impl ementati on of th e A genda in accor dance wi th agree d g uiding p rinciple s,
inclu ding tho se set out in paragra ph 74 of r esolutio n 70/1, a nd asserte d that the
high -level politi cal fo rum on su stainab le de velopme nt wo uld h ave a cent ral ro le in
over seeing a net work of fol low-up and review proces ses o f the 2030 Agenda at t he
glob al level, working coheren tly with the G eneral A ssembly, th e Econo mic and
Soci al C ouncil and oth er r elevant orga ns and forums , i n ac cordanc e wi th existing
mand ates,
Recalling its reso lution 69/ 313 of 27 J uly 2015 on the Ad dis Ababa A ction
Agen da of t he Third Intern ational Confere nce on Financi ng for Develop ment ( Addis
Abab a Action Ag enda),
1. Takes note of the repor t of the Se cretary- Genera l on crit ical milesto nes
towa rds cohe rent, eff icient and incl usive fo llow-u p and r eview a t the gl obal lev el;
2. Decides that, for t he purp oses o f the themat ic revi ews of progr ess on the
2030 Agenda for S ustainab le Devel opment
at t he high-l evel po litical f orum on
sust ainable de velopme nt, the sequ ence of the mes for each f our-ye ar cycle of th e
foru m shal l refl ect t he int egrated, indiv isible and inter linked natu re of the
Sust ainable Deve lopment Goa ls an d th e thr ee d imensio ns of sus taina ble
Resolution 70/1.

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