A/RES/70/210. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2015

Resolution NumberA/RES/70/210
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
17 February 2016
Seventieth session
Agenda item 21
15-16964 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 22 December 2015
[on the report of the Second Committee (A/70/473)]
70/210 . Implementation of the outcome o f the United Natio ns
Confere nce on Human Settlements (Habitat II) a nd
strengthening of the United Nations Human
Settlements Progra mme (U N-Habitat)
The General Assembly ,
Reca lling the ou tcomes o f the Un ited Nati ons C onferen ce on H uman
Sett lements, he ld in Vanco uver, Canad a, i n 1 976,
and th e se cond Unite d N ations
Conf erence o n Human Settle ments ( Habitat II), held in Istan bul, Turke y, in 199 6,
Reca lling a lso rel evant resol utions of the Gene ral As sembly on the
impl ementati on o f the out come of the Un ited Natio ns C onferen ce on Hu man
Sett lements (Habita t II) and strengt hening of the United Nations Human Settleme nts
Prog ramme (UN -Habitat ), includi ng its resol utions 64/ 207 of 21 D ecember 2 009,
65/1 65 of 2 0 Decemb er 201 0, 66/2 07 of 2 2 Dece mber 20 11, 67/2 16 of 2 1 Decemb er
2012 , 68/ 239 o f 27 Decembe r 20 13 a nd 69 /226 of 19 D ecember 201 4, wh ich
addr essed t he co nvening in 20 16 of the U nited Nations Confer ence on Hou sing a nd
Sust ainable Urban D evelopme nt (Ha bitat III),
Reca lling furthe r rel evant d ecision s and reso lutions of the Econ omic a nd
Soci al Cou ncil on the coordin ated i mplement ation of the Habita t Agen da, in cluding
Coun cil r esoluti on 20 15/34 of 22 Jul y 20 15 o n hu man settleme nts, adopted by the
Coun cil at i ts 2015 session ,
Reaf firmi ng the o utcome d ocument , entitl ed “The future we wa nt”, of the
Unit ed Nations Conferen ce on Susta inable De velopme nt, held in Ri o de Janeiro ,
Braz il, fro m 20 t o 22 J une 20 12,
in particu lar par agraphs 134 to 1 37 on sustain able
citie s and human se ttlemen ts, in which, in ter alia, it is re cognized t hat cities ar e
engi nes of econo mic gr owth, whic h, if well plann ed and devel oped, inclu ding
thro ugh inte grated p lanning and mana gement a pproach es, can prom ote
econ omicall y, so cially and envi ronment ally sus tainable societi es,
See Report of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Vancouver, 31 May11 June
1976 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.IV.7 and corrigendum).
See Report of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), Istanbul, 314 June
1996 (A/CONF.165/14), chap. I, resolution 1, annexes I and II.
Resolution 66/288, annex.
Implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II)
and strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Reaf firming a lso its re solution 70/ 1 of 2 5 Septe mber 201 5, en titled
“Tran sforming our w orld: t he 2030 Agend a for Sustaina ble Dev elopmen t”, in which
it adop ted a compre hensive , f ar-reach ing and peop le-centr ed set of unive rsal and
tran sformati ve S ustainab le D evelopm ent Goals a nd ta rgets, its c ommitme nt to
work ing tir elessly for the f ull imp lementa tion of t his Age nda by 203 0, its
reco gnition that era dicating pover ty in all its forms and dimen sions, inclu ding
extr eme p overty, is the g reatest glob al ch allenge and an indisp ensable requ irement
for sustai nable develo pment, its commit ment to ac hieving sust ainable devel opment
in i ts thr ee dime nsions — e conomic, socia l and environ mental — in a ba lanced and
integ rated man ner, a nd to buil ding upon the ac hieveme nts o f the Mil lennium
Deve lopment Goals a nd seek ing to a ddress their u nfinishe d busine ss,
Reca lling that t his n ew 20 30 A genda for Sustaina ble D evelopme nt, inter alia,
ackn owledges the impo rtance o f making cities an d human s ettlemen ts inclus ive,
safe, resilie nt and s ustaina ble,
Reaf firmi ng its resoluti on 69 /313 of 2 7 July 2015 on th e Add is Ab aba A ction
Agen da of t he Thir d Inter national Confer ence on Financ ing for Develop ment, w hich
is an integra l pa rt of the 203 0 Ag enda for Sustai nable Develo pment, supp orts and
comp lements it, helps t o context ualize i ts means o f imple mentati on target s with
conc rete po licies a nd actio ns, and reaffir ms the stron g politi cal com mitment to
addr ess the challeng e of fi nancing and cre ating an enabli ng envir onment at all l evels
for s ustainab le deve lopment in the spirit of global partner ship an d soli darity,
Reca lling that the Addis Ababa Acti on Ag enda acknowl edges, inter alia , tha t
expe nditures and invest ments in sus tainabl e deve lopment are being devolv ed to the
subn ational level , whi ch of ten l acks adequat e tec hnical and techno logical capac ity,
fina ncing an d suppor t, and recall ing also the co mmitmen t therei n to scal ing up
inter nationa l coopera tion to str engthen t he capaci ties of mu nicipali ties and ot her
local author ities,
Reit erati ng the im portanc e o f the wid e part icipatio n of all re levant
stake holders , inc luding l ocal auth orities, in t he p romotion of s ustaina ble
urba nization and settle ments, a nd stressi ng the imp ortance o f ensurin g that suc h
part icipatio n is b alanced, taking into account the t ype, th e dime nsion a nd the region
of th e partic ipants,
Taking n ote of th e report of the G overnin g Counci l of the Un ited Nat ions
Huma n Sett lements Progr amme (UN-Ha bitat) on its twen ty-fifth sessi on, he ld fro m
17 to 23 Apri l 20 15,
and its reso lutions cont ained therei n, i n pa rticular res olution
in w hich the Govern ing Coun cil enco uraged m ember Sta tes, amo ng other
thin gs, to cons ider t he imp ortant role that sus tainable urban ization and hum an
settl ements can pla y as a key dri ver of sustain able de velopmen t in th eir nat ional a nd
subn ational develop ment pla ns,
Stres sing th e impo rtance of in clusivene ss wi thin t he Uni ted N ations
deve lopment syste m and that no cou ntry i s left behin d in the im plement ation of the
prese nt reso lution,
Reca lling its re solution 67/1 48 of 20 D ecember 2012 , in which it c alled upon
the United Nation s syste m, incl uding t he fun ds an d prog rammes and th e speci alized
agen cies, t o incr ease ef forts t o full y mains tream a gend er per spective into all is sues
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventieth Session, Supplement No. 8 (A/70/8).
Ibid., annex.

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