A/RES/70/107. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2015

Resolution NumberA/RES/70/107
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations A/RES/70/107
General Assembly Distr.: General
13 January 2016
Seventieth session
Agenda item 73 (a)
15-16861 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 10 December 2015
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/70/L.30 and Add.1)]
70/107. Interna tional cooperation on humani tarian assista nce in
the field of natural disasters, from relief to developmen t
The Genera l Assem bly
Rea ffirm ing
its reso lution 46 /182 of 19 D ecembe r 1991, the a nnex to whic h
cont ains the guid ing princi ples for the str engthen ing of the coor dinatio n of
emer gency huma nitaria n as sistanc e of the Unit ed N ations syst em, as we ll a s all its
reso lutions on in ternati onal coop eration on hu manitar ian assist ance in the fiel d o f
natu ral disas ters, fro m relief to d evelop ment, and r ecallin g t he resol utions of th e
huma nitari an seg ments of t he sub stantiv e sess ions o f the Eco nomic and Soci al
Cou ncil,
Rea ffirming also
the p rincipl es of hum anity, n eutrali ty, impar tiality a nd
inde penden ce for the pro vision of hum anitari an ass istance ,
Reca lli ng
th e Send ai Dec laratio n
and the S endai Frame work f or Dis aster Risk
Red uction 2015 –2030,
ado pted by the Third Unite d Na tions World Conf erence on
Disa ster Ri sk Red uction, held i n Send ai, Jap an, fro m 14 to 18 Ma rch 20 15,
Reco gn izin g
t hat the S endai Frame work appli es to the risk of small -scale and
large -scale , frequ ent an d infre quent, sud den and slow- onset disas ters c aused b y
natu ral or man-m ade hazar ds, as well as rela ted enviro nmenta l, technol ogical an d
biol ogical hazard s and r isks,
Not ing w ith c oncern
t hat sl ow-ons et di sasters such as drough ts ar e on the rise
in many p laces and ca n hav e signi ficant impac ts on affecte d pop ulation s and lead to
incr eased v ulnera bility to othe r hazar ds,
Reco gn izin g
the Globa l Plat form fo r Disa ster Ri sk Red uction as the main
foru m at th e glo bal l evel for str ategic a dvice coo rdinati on an d par tnersh ip
deve lopmen t for d isaster risk r eductio n,
1 Resolution 69/283, annex I.
2 Ibid., annex II.

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