A/RES/70/106. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2015

Resolution NumberA/RES/70/106
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations A/RES/70/106
General Assembly Distr.: General
28 December 2015
Seventieth session
Agenda item 73 (a)
15-16860 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 10 December 2015
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/70/L.29 and Add.1)]
70/106. Strengthening of t he coor dinatio n of em ergency
humanita rian a ssistance of the United Nations
The Genera l Assem bly
Rea ffirm ing
its r esoluti on 46/1 82 of 19 Decemb er 1991 an d t he g uiding
prin ciples cont ained i n the a nnex th ereto, other r elevan t Gener al Asse mbly a nd
Econ omic a nd Soc ial Cou ncil re soluti ons and agreed concl usions of the Counci l,
Taking note
of the reports of t he Sec retary- Genera l on the st rengthe ning of the
coor dinatio n of emergen cy human itarian as sistanc e of the Unite d N ations
and o n
the Central Emerge ncy Re sponse Fund,
Rea ffirm ing
the p rincip les of hu manity, n eutrali ty, impar tiality a nd
inde penden ce i n th e pr ovisio n of hum anitari an a ssistan ce, and reaffir ming also the
need for all actors engage d in the provisi on of huma nitaria n ass istance in situati ons
of co mplex em ergenci es and nat ural disa sters to p romote a nd fully r espect th ese
prin ciples,
Exp ressing g rave co ncern
at th e i ncreasi ng c hallen ges caus ed by th e
unpr eceden ted numbe r o f p eople affe cted by hum anitari an emerge ncies, inc luding
prot racted displ acemen t, whi ch ar e incr easing in n umber, scale and severit y and are
stre tching huma nitaria n res ponse capac ities, and expres sing deep concern abo ut the
impa ct o f cli mate change, the ongo ing c onsequ ences of t he fi nancial and econ omic
cris is, region al food cris es, conti nuing foo d a nd energy in securit y, wate r s carcit y,
unpl anned a nd rapid urbaniz ation of p opulat ions, epi demics , natura l hazard s and
envi ronmen tal de gradatio n, whi ch are add ing to unde rdevelo pment, pover ty and
ineq uality and are in creasin g the vulner abilit y of people while reduc ing th eir ab ility
to c ope wit h huma nitaria n crise s,
Und ers cori ng
the need, in ord er to ensure a smoo th transit ion from reli ef to
reha bilitat ion a nd d evelop ment, to b etter align , whe rever appro priate, hum anitari an
and devel opment assis tance with nationa l deve lopme nt pri orities and strateg ies, a nd
enco uragin g Membe r State s, as wel l as the United Nation s syste m and re gional
1 A/70/77-E/2015/64.
2 A/70/96.

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