A/RES/69/291. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2015

Resolution NumberA/RES/69/291
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations A/RES/69/291
General Assembly Distr.: General
30 July 2015
Sixty-ninth session
Agenda item 62 (b)
15-10233 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 June 2015
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/69/L.63/Rev.1 and Add.1)]
69/291. Impleme ntation of the recomme ndations contained in the
report o f the S ecretary -General on the cause s of co nflict
and the promotion of durable peace a nd sust ainable
development in Africa
The Genera l Assem bly
Reca lli ng
th e repo rt of the Open-en ded A d Hoc Workin g Gro up on the C auses
of Con flict and th e P romoti on of Durab le Peace and S ustaina ble Deve lopment i n
Afri ca,
its resol ution 5 3/92 o f 7 De cember 1998 and s ubseque nt ann ual re solutio ns,
incl uding resolut ions 6 7/293 of 24 J uly 20 13 and 68/27 8 of 1 6 June 2014, as wel l as
its re solutio ns 66/28 6 of 23 Ju ly 2012, 6 7/294 of 1 5 August 2 013 and 6 8/301 of
17 J uly 20 14 on t he New Partne rship for Afri ca’s Dev elopme nt, and 59/21 3 of
20 D ecembe r 2004, 63/310 of 14 Septemb er 200 9, 65/2 74 of 18 April 2 011 and
67/3 02 of 16 Sept ember 201 3 o n c ooperat ion betwee n the United Na tions and the
Afri can Un ion,
Reca lling al so
, in th is contex t, Secur ity Coun cil reso lutions 1 809 (2 008) of
16 Ap ril 2008 o n peace an d securi ty in Afri ca, 1325 (2000) o f 31 Oc tober 200 0,
1820 (2008 ) of 19 June 2 008, 1888 (2009 ) o f 30 Sep tember 20 09, 1889 (2009) o f
5 Oc tober 200 9, 1960 ( 2010) of 16 Decem ber 2010, 2 106 (20 13) of 24 J une 2013
and 2122 ( 2013) of 18 Octobe r 2013 on wo men a nd pea ce and securi ty, 1366 (2001 )
of 30 Aug ust 2 001 on t he r ole o f th e Co uncil in the p revent ion o f ar med conflic ts,
1612 (2005 ) of 26 July 2005, 1882 (2009) of 4 August 2009, 1998 (2011) of 12 July
2011 a nd 2068 (2012 ) of 19 Septem ber 2012 on chi ldren an d ar med co nflict,
1625 (2005 ) of 14 Se ptember 2005 on streng thenin g the effect iveness of the r ole o f
the Cou ncil i n conf lict p revent ion, p articul arly i n Afr ica, 2 195 (20 14) o f
19 D ecembe r 2014 on t hreats to i nterna tional pe ace and se curity, 16 31 (200 5) of
17 O ctober 200 5 a nd 2 033 (20 12) of 12 Janu ary 2012, as well as the stat ement by
the P reside nt o f th e S ecurit y Co uncil o f 16 Dece mber 201 4,
on coope ration
bet ween the Un ited Na tions an d r egiona l a nd subre gional organi zation s in
main taining int ernatio nal p eace and securit y, and r esolut ion 2 167 (2 014) of 28 July
2014 on Un ited N ations peacek eeping operati ons,
1 Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 45 (A/56/45).
2 S/PRST/2014/27; see Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council, 1 August 2014–31 July 2015.

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