A/RES/68/91. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2013

Resolution NumberA/RES/68/91
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
17 December 2013
Sixty-eighth session
Agenda item 60
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 11 December 2013
[on the report of the Special Political and Decoloniza tion Committee
(Fourth Committee) (A/68/433)]
68/91. Question of Western Sahara
The Genera l Assem bly
Hav ing con sidered in dep th
the questi on of Wes tern S ahara,
t he in alienab le r ight of all peo ples to sel f-deter minati on an d
inde penden ce, in acco rdance with t he pri nciples set fo rth in the Cha rter of the
Unit ed N ations and Gen eral Assemb ly r esoluti on 1 514 (X V) o f 14 Decemb er 1 960
cont aining the Dec laratio n o n th e G ranting of Inde penden ce t o C olonial Co untries
and People s,
Reco gnizing
t hat all a vailabl e opt ions for self-de termin ation of t he Ter ritorie s
are valid as long as they are in accorda nce with the freely expr essed wishe s of the
peop le co ncerned and in co nformi ty wit h the clearl y defi ned p rincipl es con tained in
Gene ral A ssembl y reso lution s 151 4 (XV) and 1541 ( XV) o f 15 Decemb er 19 60 an d
othe r resol utions of the A ssembl y,
Reca llin g
its resolu tion 67/129 of 18 De cember 2012,
Reca llin g
all re solutio ns o f the Gen eral Ass embly an d th e Se curity
Cou ncil on the qu estion of Wester n Saha ra,
Reca llin g
Secu rity Co uncil re solutio ns 658 (1990) of 27 Ju ne 1990 ,
690 (1991) of 29 Apr il 1 991, 1359 ( 2001) of 29 Jun e 20 01, 1429 ( 2002) of 30 Jul y
2002 , 1 495 (20 03) of 31 Ju ly 2 003, 1541 (2004) of 29 April 2004 , 15 70 (20 04) of
28 O ctober 20 04, 1598 (2005) of 28 April 2005 , 1 634 (2 005) of 28 O ctober 200 5,
1675 (2006 ) of 28 April 2 006 an d 1720 (2006) of 31 Octobe r 2006,
t he a doptio n of S ecurity Cou ncil reso lutions 175 4 (200 7) o n
30 Ap ril 200 7, 1783 (2007 ) on 31 Octob er 2007 , 1813 (2008) on 30 Ap ril 20 08,
1871 (2009 ) on 30 Ap ril 2009 , 19 20 (20 10) on 30 April 20 10, 1979 (2011) on
27 Ap ril 2011 , 2044 (2012) on 24 A pril 20 12 and 2099 ( 2013) on 25 Ap ril 201 3,
Exp ressing it s satisfa ction
that th e partie s met on 18 an d 19 June 2007, on
10 a nd 11 August 20 07, from 7 to 9 Ja nuary 2008 an d f rom 16 to 18 Ma rch 2008

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