A/RES/68/106. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2013

Resolution NumberA/RES/68/106
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
18 December 2013
Sixty-eighth session
Agenda item 79
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 16 December 2013
[on the report of the Sixth Committee (A/68/462)]
68/106. Report of the United Nations Commission on International
Trade Law on the work of its forty-sixth session
The Genera l Assem bly
Reca lling
its resolu tion 2205 (XXI) of 17 Decemb er 1966, by whic h it
esta blished the U nited Nat ions C ommiss ion on Intern ationa l Trade Law with a
mand ate to furthe r the p rogres sive ha rmoniz ation a nd unif ication of the law o f
inte rnation al tra de an d in that r espect to b ear i n mind the intere sts o f all people s, in
part icular thos e of d evelop ing co untrie s, in t he ext ensive dev elopme nt of
inte rnation al trad e,
Reaf firming its belief
th at the prog ressive mode rnizati on an d har monizat ion o f
inte rnation al tra de law, in r educin g or r emovin g legal obsta cles to the flow of
inte rnation al t rade, e speciall y t hose aff ecting d evelopi ng coun tries, w ould
cont ribute s ignific antly to un iversa l econom ic coope ration a mong all St ates on a
basi s of equali ty, equity, co mmon int erest and r espect fo r the rule of l aw, to the
elim inatio n of disc rimina tion in i nternat ional trade and , th ereby, to peace, stab ility
and the we ll-bein g of al l peopl es,
Hav ing con sidered
the repor t of the Comm ission,
Reit erating its c oncern
tha t activ ities u nderta ken by other bodies in the field o f
inte rnation al trade law wit hout adeq uate coord inatio n wi th the Commi ssion mig ht
lead to undesi rable duplic ation of e fforts and would not be in keep ing w ith t he ai m
of p romoti ng effic iency, c onsiste ncy and c oherenc e in th e unif ication an d
har monizat ion of interna tional trade l aw,
th e man date of the Comm ission, as the co re le gal bo dy wi thin t he
Unit ed Natio ns system i n the field o f interna tional tr ade law, to coo rdinate legal
acti vities in t his fi eld, i n par ticular to avoid duplic ation of eff orts, includ ing a mong
orga nizatio ns formu lating r ules of i nternat ional tr ade, and to promo te effic iency,
cons istenc y and cohe rence in the moderni zation and harmo nizati on of inte rnatio nal
Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/68/17).

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