A/RES/68/105. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2013

Resolution NumberA/RES/68/105
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
18 December 2013
Sixty-eighth session
Agenda item 78
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 16 December 2013
[on the report of the Sixth Committee (A/68/461)]
68/105. Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and
experts on mission
The Genera l Assem bly
Reca lling
its res olution 59/281 of 2 9 Marc h 2005, in w hich it end orsed th e
reco mmend ation of the Sp ecial C ommitt ee on P eacekee ping Op eratio ns that the
Secr etary-G eneral make avai lable to the Unite d Nat ions memb ership a
comp rehens ive r eport on the iss ue of sexua l exp loitati on an d abu se in Unit ed
Nati ons pe acekeep ing op eration s,
Reca lling als o
that the S ecretar y-Gene ral, on 24 M arch 200 5, transmi tted to
the Pre sident of t he Genera l Assembl y a r eport of hi s A dviser co ncerni ng sexual
expl oitatio n and abuse b y Unite d Nati ons pea cekeep ing pe rsonnel ,
Reca lling furt her
its r esolut ion 59/300 of 22 Ju ne 2 005, in which it endor sed
the r ecomm endatio n of th e Speci al Com mittee that a gro up of l egal ex perts b e
esta blished to pr ovide adv ice on the best wa y to pr oceed so as to ens ure that the
orig inal inten t of th e Ch arter of the Uni ted Nation s c an be a chieve d, n amely, that
Unit ed Nat ions st aff and exper ts on mission would never be effe ctivel y exemp t from
the cons equence s of c rimina l acts comm itted a t their duty stati on, no r unjus tly
pena lized, withou t due p rocess,
Reco gnizing
the v aluable co ntributi on o f Un ited Nation s off icials and expe rts
on m ission toward s the f ulfilme nt of t he pur poses a nd pri nciples of the Charte r,
the need to pro mote a nd ensu re resp ect fo r the p rincip les and rules
of i nternat ional l aw,
Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/59/19/Rev.1),
part one, chap. III, sect. D, para. 56.
See A/59/710.
Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/59/19/Rev.1),
part two, chap. II, sect. N, para. 40 (a).

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