A/RES/61/276. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2007

Resolution NumberA/RES/61/276
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations A/RES/61/276
General Assembly Distr.: General
20 July 2007
Sixty-first session
Agenda item 132
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 29 June 2007
[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/61/968)]
61/276. Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing
of the United Nations peacekeeping operations:
cross-cutting issues
The General Assembly
its resolutions 49/233 A of 23 December 1994, 49/233 B of
31 March 1995, 51/218 E of 17 June 1997, 57/290 B of 18 June 2003, 58/315 of
1 July 2004, 59/296 of 22 June 2005 and 60/266 of 30 June 2006,
Having considered
the reports of the Secretary-General on the overview of the
financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations
and the related report of
the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,
the annual
report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on peacekeeping operations
the note by the Secretary-General transmitting his comments thereon,
the report of
the Joint Inspection Unit on the evaluation of results-based budgeting in
peacekeeping operations
and the note by the Secretary-General transmitting his
comments thereon,
the report of the Secretary-General on the improvement of
internal controls in the management, accounting and reporting of assets of all United
Nations field missions,
the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on
the investigation conducted by the Investigations Task Force into fraud and
corruption allegations at Pristina Airport
and the note by the Secretary-General
transmitting his comments thereon,
the report of the Office of Internal Oversight
Services on the audit of the standard costs applied to Headquarters overhead,
report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the global review of discipline
1 A/60/696 and A/61/786.
2 A/61/852.
3 A/61/264 (Part II).
4 A/61/264 (Part II)/Add.1.
5 See A/60/709.
6 A/60/709/Add.1.
7 A/60/843.
8 A/60/720 and Corr.1.
9 A/60/720/Add.1.
10 A/60/682.

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