A/RES/55/151. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2000

Resolution NumberA/RES/55/151
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations A/RES/55/151
General Assembly Distr.: General
19 January 2001
Fifty-fifth session
Agenda item 158
00 56845
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
[on the report of the Sixth Committee (A/55/608)]
55/151. Report of the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law on the work of its thirty-third
The Genera l Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 2205 (XXI) of 17 December 1966, by whic h it created
the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law with a mandate to
further the progressive harmonization and unification of the law of international
trade and in that respect to bear in mind the interests of all peoples, in particular
those of developing countries, in the extensive development of international trade,
Reaffirming its conviction that the progressive harmo nization and unification
of international trade law, in reducing or removing legal obstacles to the flow of
international trade, especially those affecting the developing countries, would
contribute significantly to universal economic cooperation amo ng all States on a
basis of equality, equity and common interest and to the elimination of
discriminatio n in international trade and, thereby, to the well-be ing of all people s,
Emphasizing the need for higher priority to be given to the work of the
Commission in view of the increasing value of the modernization of international
trade law for global economic development and thus for the maintenance of friendly
relations among States,
Stressing the value of participation by States at all levels of economic
development and from different legal systems in the process of harmonizing and
unifying international trade law,
Having considered the report of the Commission on the work of its thirty-third
Concerned that activities undertaken by other bodies of the United Nations
system in the field of international trade law without coordination with the
Commission might lead to undesirable duplication of efforts and would not be in
keeping with the aim of promoting efficiency, consistency and coherence in the
unification and har monization of in ternational trade la w, as stated in its resolution
37/106 of 16 December 1982,
1 Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/55/17).

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