Presidential Statement nº S/PRST/2009/8 of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
Security Council
Distr.: General
21 April 2009
Original: English
09-30904 (E) 210409
Statement by the President of the Security Council
At the 6108th meeting of the Security Council, held on 21 April 2009, in
connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “Maintenance of
international peace and security: mediation and settlement of disputes”, the
President of the Security Council made the following statement on behalf of the
“The Security Council recalls the statement of its President
(S/PRST/2008/36) of 23 September 2008 and takes note of the report of the
Secretary-General on Enhancing Mediation and Its Support Activities
(S/2009/189), as well as the recommendations contained therein.
“The Security Council, in accordance with the Charter of the United
Nations and as the organ with the primary responsibility for the maintenance
of international peace and security, underscores its intention to remain engaged
in all stages of the conflict cycle, including in support of mediation, and
expresses its readiness to explore further ways and means to reinforce the
promotion of mediation as an important means for the pacific settlement of
disputes, wherever possible before they evolve into violence.
“The Security Council recognizes the importance of mediation, to be
launched at the earliest possible phases of conflicts, as well as in the
implementation phases of signed peace agreements and underlines the need to
design mediation processes that address the root causes of conflicts and
contribute to peacebuilding, in order to ensure sustainable peace.
“The Security Council stresses that the principal responsibility for the
peaceful settlement of disputes rests with the parties to the conflict and that it
is only through their full participation and genuine commitment to resolve the
conflict including its underlying causes, that peace can be achieved and
sustained. In this regard, the Council underlines the importance of building
national and local capacity for mediation.
“The Security Council emphasizes the importance of the actions
undertaken by the United Nations Secretary-General, in promoting mediation
and in the pacific settlement of disputes, and welcomes the continued efforts
by the Department of Political Affairs, in particular through the Mediation
Support Unit to respond to emerging and existing crises. It underscores that
mediation support efforts should be responsive to the demands of fast-moving
peace processes.

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