Osce Media Freedom Representative Raises Concerns About Short Detention of Several Journalists in Kazakhstan

AKIPRESS.COM - The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Desir, on February 27 said he is concerned about the detention of several journalists and bloggers who were covering rallies in the cities of Almaty, Zhanaozen and Uralsk in Kazakhstan.

"I am concerned about the practice of short detentions of journalists and bloggers, which hinders them in pursuing their professional duties," Desir said. "Informing the public about social protests and issues of public interest is an important role of journalists - they should not be punished for doing their work.

"On 27 February, blogger Ashat Bersalimov was detained in Almaty journalist Saniya Toiken of Radio Free Europe's Azattyq service, and camera operator Sanat Nurbekov were detained and questioned for several hours in Zhanaozen while blogger Askar Shiygumarov was detained in Uralsk after leaving his house. Desir noted that the practice of arbitrary...

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