Participant Action Date of Notification/Deposit Date of Effect
Afghanistan Ratification 04/04/1947 04/05/1947
Algeria Adherence 07/05/1963 06/06/1963
Argentina Ratification 04/06/1946 04/04/1947
Australia Ratification 01/03/1947 04/04/1947
Austria Adherence 27/08/1948 26/09/1948
Bahrain Adherence 20/08/1971 19/09/1971
Barbados Adherence 21/03/1967 20/04/1967
Belgium Ratification 05/05/1947 04/06/1947
Bolivia Ratification 04/04/1947 04/05/1947
Brazil Ratification 08/07/1946 04/04/1947
Bulgaria Adherence 08/06/1967 08/07/1967
Burma Adherence 08/07/1948 07/08/1948
Burundi Adherence 19/01/1968 18/02/1968
Cambodia Adherence 16/01/1956 15/02/1956
Cameroon Adherence 15/01/1960 14/02/1960
Canada Ratification 13/02/1946 04/04/1947
Central African Republic Adherence 28/06/1961 28/07/1961
Ceylon Adherence 01/06/1948 01/07/1948
Chad Adherence 03/07/1962 02/08/1962
Chile Ratification 11/03/1947 10/04/1947
China Ratification 20/02/1946 04/04/1947
Colombia Ratification 31/10/1947 30/11/1947
Congo (Brazzaville) Adherence 26/04/1962 26/05/1962
Congo (Leopoldville) Adherence 27/07/1961 26/08/1961
Costa Rica Ratification 01/05/1958 31/05/1958
Cuba Ratification 11/05/1949 10/06/1949
Cyprus Adherence 17/01/1961 16/02/1961
Czechoslovakia Ratification 01/03/1947 04/04/1947
Dahomey Adherence 29/05/1961 28/06/1961
Denmark Ratification 28/02/1947 04/04/1947
Dominican Republic Ratification 25/01/1946 04/04/1947
Ecuador Ratification 20/08/1954 19/09/1954
Egypt Ratification 13/03/1947 12/04/1947
El Salvador Ratification 11/06/1947 11/07/1947
Equatorial Guinea Adherence 22/02/1972 23/03/1972
Ethiopia Ratification 01/03/1947 04/04/1947
Federal Republic of Germany Adherence 09/05/1956 08/06/1956
Federation of Malaya Adherence 07/04/1958 07/05/1958
Federation of Malaya Accession 07/04/1958 07/05/1958
Finland Adherence 30/03/1949 29/04/1949
France Ratification 25/03/1947 24/04/1947
Ghana Accession 09/05/1957 08/06/1957
Greece Ratification 13/03/1947 12/04/1947
Guatemala Withdrawal of denunciation 08/12/1952
Guatemala Denunciation 13/06/1952 13/06/1953
Guatemala Ratification 28/04/1947 28/05/1947
Guinea Adherence 27/03/1959 26/04/1959
Guyana Adherence 03/02/1967 05/03/1967
Haiti Ratification 25/03/1948 24/04/1948
Honduras Ratification 07/05/1953 06/06/1953
Hungary Adherence 30/09/1969 30/10/1969
Iceland Ratification 21/03/1947 20/04/1947
India Ratification 01/03/1947 04/04/1947
Indonesia Adherence 27/04/1950 27/05/1950
Iran Ratification 19/04/1950 19/05/1950
Iraq Ratification 02/06/1947 02/07/1947
Ireland Ratification 31/10/1946 04/04/1947
Israel Adherence 24/05/1949 23/06/1949
Italy Ratification 31/10/1947 30/11/1947
Ivory Coast Adherence 31/10/1960 30/11/1960
Jamaica Adherence 26/03/1963 25/04/1963
Japan Adherence 08/09/1953 08/10/1953
Kenya Adherence 01/05/1964 31/05/1964
Korea Adherence 11/11/1952 11/12/1952
Kuwait Adherence 18/05/1960 17/06/1960
Laos Adherence 13/06/1955 13/07/1955
Lebanon Ratification 19/09/1949 19/10/1949
Liberia Ratification 11/02/1947 04/11/1947
Libya Adherence 29/01/1953 28/02/1953
Luxembourg Ratification 28/04/1948 28/05/1948
Madagascar Adherence 14/04/1962 14/05/1962
Malawi Adherence 11/09/1964 11/10/1964
Malaysia Notification 17/09/1963
Mali Adherence 08/11/1960 08/12/1960
Malta Adherence 05/01/1965 04/02/1965
Marshall Islands Adherence 18/03/1988 17/04/1988
Mauritania Adherence 13/01/1962 12/02/1962
Mauritius Adherence 30/01/1970 01/03/1970
Mexico Ratification 25/06/1946 04/04/1947
Micronesia Adherence 27/09/1988 27/10/1988
Morocco Adherence 13/11/1956 13/12/1956
Nepal Adherence 29/06/1960 29/07/1960
Netherlands Ratification 26/03/1947 25/04/1947
New Zealand Ratification 07/03/1947 06/04/1947
Nicaragua Ratification 28/12/1945 04/04/1947
Niger Adherence 29/05/1961 28/06/1961
Nigeria Adherence 14/11/1960 14/12/1960
Norway Ratification 05/05/1947 04/06/1947
Pakistan Ratification 06/11/1947 06/12/1947
Panama Adherence 18/01/1960 17/02/1960
Paraguay Ratification 21/01/1946 04/04/1947
Peru Ratification 08/04/1946 04/04/1947
Philippines Ratification 01/03/1947 04/04/1947
Poland Ratification 06/04/1945 04/04/1947
Portugal Ratification 27/02/1947 04/04/1947
Qatar Adherence 05/09/1971 05/10/1971
Republic of China Ratification 02/12/1953 01/01/1954
Republic of China Denunciation 31/05/1950 31/05/1951
Romania Adherence 30/04/1965 30/05/1965
Rwanda Adherence 03/02/1964 04/03/1964
Saudi Arabia Adherence 19/02/1962 21/03/1962
Senegal Adherence 11/11/1960 11/12/1960
Siam Ratification 04/04/1947 04/05/1947
Sierra Leone Adherence 22/11/1961 22/12/1961
Singapore Adherence 20/05/1966 19/06/1966
Somalia Adherence 02/03/1964 01/04/1964
Southern Yemen Adherence 28/01/1970 27/02/1970
Spain Ratification 05/03/1947 04/04/1947
Sudan Adherence 29/06/1956 29/07/1956
Sweden Ratification 07/11/1946 04/04/1947
Switzerland Ratification 06/02/1947 04/04/1947
Syria Ratification 21/12/1949 20/01/1950
Tanganyika Adherence 23/04/1962 23/05/1962
Togo Adherence 18/05/1965 17/06/1965
Transjordan Ratification 18/03/1947 17/04/1947
Trinidad and Tobago Adherence 14/03/1963 13/04/1963
Tunisia Accession 18/11/1957 18/12/1957
Turkey Ratification 20/12/1945 04/04/1947
Uganda Adherence 10/04/1967 10/05/1967
Union of South Africa Ratification 01/03/1947 04/04/1947
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Adherence 15/10/1970 14/11/1970
United Arab Emirates Adherence 25/04/1972 25/05/1972
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Ratification 01/03/1947 04/04/1947
United States of America Ratification 09/08/1946 04/04/1947
Upper Volta Adherence 21/03/1962 20/04/1962
Uruguay Ratification 14/01/1954 13/02/1954
Venezuela Ratification 01/04/1947 01/05/1947
Viet Nam Adherence 19/10/1954 18/11/1954
Yemen Arab Republic Adherence 17/04/1964 17/05/1964
Yugoslavia (Socialist Federal Republic of) Signature 06/01/1954
Yugoslavia (Socialist Federal Republic of) Ratification 09/03/1960 08/04/1960
Zambia Adherence 30/10/1964 29/11/1964

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