Participant Action Date of Notification/Deposit Date of Effect
Argentina Notification 23/07/1971 23/07/1971
Australia Notification 21/09/1971 21/09/1971
Australia Accession 25/05/1972 25/08/1972
Austria Ratification 18/05/1973 18/08/1973
Belgium Declaration 02/01/1974
Belgium Ratification 12/11/1974 12/02/1975
Belgium Notification 20/05/1970 20/05/1970
Brazil Notification 09/06/1970 09/06/1970
Bulgaria Notification 24/03/1970 24/03/1970
Cameroon Notification 22/09/1970 22/09/1970
Canada Accession 07/04/1970 07/07/1970
Ceylon Signature
Chad Accession 25/08/1971 25/11/1971
Chile Participation 21/06/1973
Congo (Brazzaville) Signature
Cyprus Signature
Czechoslovakia Notification 04/08/1970 04/08/1970
Dahomey Notification 25/09/1970 25/09/1970
Denmark Ratification 04/02/1970 04/05/1970
Federal Republic of Germany Ratification 19/06/1970 19/09/1970
Fiji Accession 15/12/1971 15/03/1972
Finland Ratification 15/06/1970 15/09/1970
France Notification 08/06/1970 08/06/1970
Gabon Notification 24/09/1970 24/09/1970
German Democratic Republic Accession 20/06/1968 29/01/1970
Greece Notification 21/09/1970 21/09/1970
Holy See Notification 16/09/1970 16/09/1970
Hungary Notification 14/09/1970 14/09/1970
Iceland Signature
India Signature
Ireland Notification 04/03/1968 04/03/1968
Ireland Ratification 21/09/1970 21/12/1970
Israel Ratification 30/07/1969 26/02/1970
Italy Notification 29/04/1970 29/04/1970
Ivory Coast Notification 21/08/1970 21/08/1970
Japan Notification 17/09/1970 17/09/1970
Lebanon Signature
Liechtenstein Ratification 25/02/1972 25/05/1972
Luxembourg Declaration 02/01/1974
Luxembourg Notification 20/03/1970 20/03/1970
Madagascar Signature
Mali Signature
Malta Notification 21/09/1970 21/09/1970
Mauritania Accession 06/11/1972 06/02/1973
Mexico Signature
Monaco Signature
Monaco Participation 14/12/1972
Morocco Ratification 06/05/1971 06/08/1971
Morocco Notification 14/09/1970 14/09/1970
Netherlands Notification 11/09/1970 11/09/1970
New Zealand Signature
Niger Notification 26/06/1970 26/06/1970
Norway Notification 22/07/1970 22/07/1970
Pakistan Accession 28/11/1969 28/02/1970
Pakistan Accession 26/11/1969 29/01/1970
Philippines Signature
Poland Signature
Portugal Notification 25/08/1970 25/08/1970
Republic of the Congo Signature
Romania Ratification 29/10/1969 29/01/1970
Senegal Ratification 19/09/1968 29/01/1970
South Africa Notification 17/09/1970 17/09/1970
Spain Ratification 06/06/1969 26/02/1970
Sweden Ratification 12/08/1969 29/10/1970
Switzerland Ratification 04/02/1970 04/05/1970
Thailand Signature
Tunisia Notification 18/09/1970 18/09/1970
Turkey Notification 17/09/1970 17/09/1970
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Accession 26/02/1969 26/02/1970
Upper Volta Signature
Uruguay Signature
Yugoslavia (Socialist Federal Republic of) Notification 20/07/1970 20/07/1970

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