
1. Objective
1. Objective
The objective of this code is to provide a set of guidelines to address the HIV/AIDS
epidemic in the world of work and within the framework of the promotion of decent
work. The guidelines cover the following key areas of action:
(a) prevention of HIV/AIDS;
(b) management and mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the world of work;
(c) care and support of workers infected and affected by HIV/AIDS;
(d) elimination of stigma and discrimination on the basis of real or perceived HIV status.
2. Use
This code should be used to:
(a) develop concrete responses at enterprise, community, regional, sectoral, national
and international levels;
(b) promote processes of dialogue, consultations, negotiations and all forms of cooper-
ation between governments, employers and workers and their representatives, occu-
pational health personnel, specialists in HIV/AIDS issues, and all relevant
stakeholders (which may include community-based and non-governmental organi-
zations (NGOs));
(c) give effect to its contents in consultation with the social partners:
in national laws, policies and programmes of action,
in workplace/enterprise agreements, and
in workplace policies and plans of action.
3. Scope and terms used in the code
3.1. Scope
This code applies to:
(a) all employers and workers (including applicants for work) in the public and private
sectors; and
(b) all aspects of work, formal and informal.
3.2. Terms used in the code
HIV: the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, a virus that weakens the bodys immune
system, ultimately causing AIDS.
Affected persons: persons whose lives are changed in any way by HIV/AIDS due to
the broader impact of this epidemic.
AIDS: the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a cluster of medical conditions,
often referred to as opportunistic infections and cancers and for which, to date, there is
no cure.
Discrimin a tion is used in this code in accordance with the definition given in the Dis-
crimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) , to include HIV

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