
AuthorArmen Khachaturyan and Oleh Furmanchuk
I. Air and Climate Change
A. Air Pollution Control
Under the Law on Protection of the Environment, dated June 25, 1991, as
amended (Environmental Law), and the Law on Protection of Ambient Air,
dated October 16, 1992, as amended (Air Protection Law), companies operat-
ing in Ukraine may emit polluting substances into the atmosphere via sta-
tionary sources only if they obtain a special air pollution permit listing
approved limits for each permitted substance and pay an ecological tax.1
Air pollution permits are issued for a term of at least seven years by the
Ministry of the Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine (Ministry of the
Environment) or a relevant local government administration, depending on
the degree of negative environmental impact involved. In each case, before
issuance of such permits, the issuing authority must receive the consent of
the relevant office of the State Sanitary-and-Epidemiological Service of
To receive an air pollution permit, an applicant must submit to the issu-
ing authority an application, together with the documents evidencing the
anticipated amounts of polluting substances emitted into the atmosphere,
and must publish in the local press an announcement on the intent to receive
an air pollution permit. The public announcement must contain specific con-
tact information for the local government administration, which is required
to collect comments from public organizations and individuals and forward
them to the issuing authority (the Ministry of the Environment or a relevant
department of the local government administration). The issuing authority
has 30 days from the application date to decide whether to issue the air pol-
lution permit. The issued permit indicates the maximum amounts of each
polluting substance that may be emitted into the atmosphere. Such limits
may not exceed the pollution limits established by the Ministry of the
B. Climate Change
Ukraine has been a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 19964 and the Kyoto Protocol to the
UNFCCC since 2004.5 Since 2008, the State Environmental Investment
Agency of Ukraine has been the authority primarily charged with the imple-
mentation of policy regarding climate change, fulfillment of the UNFCCC
and Kyoto Protocol, and the trade of emission units.6 Other authorities in
this area include the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.7
International trade in greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution
accounting are generally subject to tight regulation, while a legal regime
encouraging further reduction of such emissions is not yet properly estab-
lished. The regulatory mechanism includes the National Electronic Register
of Anthropogenic Emissions and Greenhouse Gas Absorption, the National
Center of Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the procedure for
approval of ecological (i.e., “green”) investments projects, public procure-
ment mechanism for such investments, sale and purchase of emission quo-
tas, and so on.8
II. Water
A. General Framework of Water Use
Under the Environmental Law and the Water Code of Ukraine, dated June 6,
1995, as amended (Water Code), companies may extract and use water, and
discharge polluting substances into water, only upon receipt of a special
water use permit listing certain approved quantities and payment of an eco-
logical tax.9
Water use permits concerning use of national water bodies are issued
by the local government administrations, while water use permits concern-
ing use of local water bodies are issued by regional local councils upon
consent of the local government administrations. A water use permit may
be issued for a short term (up to three years) or for a long term (up to 25
To receive the water use permit, an applicant must submit to the issuing
authority an application together with documentation of the requested water
consumption quantity. The documentation must be preapproved by a number
of state offices depending on the targeted water source (open water, subsur-
face water, recreational waterbodies, etc.). The local government administra-
tions and regional coucils have 30 calendar days from the application date to
decide whether to issue the water use permit to the applicant. The issued
water use permit indicates the maximum volume of water intake, water use,
and amount of each polluting substance that may be discharged into a water
source.11 Copies of the water use permit must be submitted to the territorial
bodies of the State Sanitary-and-Epidemiological Service of Ukraine and the
State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine.12

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