Transnational Law for Transnational Communities. The Emergence of a Lex Mercatoria (or Lex Informatica) for International Creative Communities

AuthorAxel Metzger
PositionDr. iur. (Munich and Paris), LL.M. (Harvard), Professor of Law at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Institute for Legal Informatics, Germany
Transnational Law for Transnational Communities
Transnational Law for
Transnational Communities
The Emergence of a Lex Mercatoria (or Lex Informatica) for
International Creative Communities.
by Axel Metzger, Dr. iur. (Munich and Paris), LL.M. (Harvard), Professor of Law at the Leibniz University of
Hannover, Institute for Legal Informatics, Germany.
© 2012 Axel Metzger
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Recommended citation: A xel Metzger, Transnational Law for Transnational Communities The Emergence of a Lex Merca toria
(or Lex Informatica) for Internat ional Creative Communities, 3 (2012) JIPITEC 3, 361.
Keywords: Open Source Software, Creative Commons, Private International Law, Choice of Law, Lex Mercatoria
Abstract: Open Source Communities and con-
tent-oriented projects (Creative Commons etc.) have
reached a new level of economic and cultural sig-
nificance in some areas of the Internet ecosystem.
These communities have developed their own set
of legal rules covering licensing issues, intellectual
property management, project governance rules etc.
Typical Open Source licenses and project rules are
written without any reference to national law. This
paper considers the question whether these license
contracts and other legal rules are to be qualified as a
lex mercatoria (or lex informatica) of these communi-
A. Free and Open Source, Creative
Commons: An alternative model
for innovation and creativity
Free and open source communities (the terms
are used synonymously in this paper) have their
historical roots in the 1980s when software began
to be marketed as an independent commercial good
on the IT markets. Before that time, software was
mostly given away for free to hardware customers
as an add-on and accompanied by the source codes.
The source codes enabled customers to debug and
modify the software according to their needs. With
the advent of mass-market personal computers in
the 1980s, IT companies started to sell or license
software as a product independent from the
hardware and to provide their customers only with
closed source versions of their programs. During
this time, today’s leading software industry players,
such as Microsoft, SAP, Oracle and Adobe, developed
the business model of standardized closed source
software products.1
For programmers interested in analysing and
modifying software – ‘hackers’ as they were called
at the time
– this new era of closed software was felt
as a threat to their way of working with software.
Therefore, some irst small projects, the most
prominent being Richard Stallman’s GNU project
founded in the US, started to create free software
programs that would be available for everybody
interested in object and source code form.3 The
GNU project developed faster than anybody could
have expected. The most important step in the
development of the project was the contribution of
an operating system kernel called ‘Linux’ provided
by the Finnish student Linus Torvalds in 1991.4

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